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No deposit bonus to...?


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It's time for me to go for the challenge I've been thinking for what is close to half a year. I've found a website that gives big no deposit bonuses to different poker sites. I don't want to advertise or something so I will not mention it unless the mods agree upon me showing me site. So, this time, my first time that I will write about on the forum, I'm strating with 25$ on Titan poker. I played yesterday and ended up with a small plus. Now I'm staying at 26,85$. I've had a lot of troubl figuring out how do I want to start my glory hunt. I will start with playing HU sng for 1$ until I reach 50$, or bust. I will try to play about 10 turbo tables a day, let's see what happens.

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Re: No deposit bonus to...? Well, I busted my bankroll in Titan but the bad news are, this is not the only bankroll I've busted. As I really wanted to play I decided to open an account in FT and deposited $100. I managed to lose it after hitting the big tilt in a $20 HU sng, when a player, ironically with a screenname Gambla managed to bust my AKos with his 27s. We were all-in before the flop as he apparently did't know how to play, and sure enough he hit a 7 on the river and won the HU a couple of hands later. I decided to deposit another $50 and try and fight my fear of the cash games. I was doing quite good, accumulated a bankroll of over $260 but then I played after my first day back to my parttime job where a collegue of mine managed to somehow offend me deep enough so that I was affected for two days. And I was absent for more than two months!:wall Anyways a series of busted buy-ins at the tables lead me to another bust. Now I'm waiting for a $50 sing-up bonus at FT that I should receive in a couple of days. The positive is that I've learned a lot about my level of play. For example, I managed to lose only 2/5 of my buy-in a KKvsAA situation, where I reached the showdown. This means a lot for me. Moreover, I managed to keep consistensy, which is also rather new to me. The tilt though remains my biggest enemy. And while I was thinking I can't be tilted that easily at the tables anymore, I got pissed at something that has nothing to do with the game. I really need to make a good assessment of my mood before I hit the tables again.

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