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Software for Razz


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Have been playing a bit of Razz tonight... Was thinking that it would be useful to have the up cards displayed even after someone has folded - have been fiddling with Autohotkeys a bit lately and should be quite straightforward to do :unsure In fact I'm amazed that there isn't something like this already out there. Was also thinking of ignoring suits - they're totally irrelevent in Razz arent they? So would have up to 4 of each card, but not differentiate between them - this should lead to a clearer display. Am I right in thinking this will be quite useful? Anything else I should look at doing as an aide? Was maybe something like displaying the average hand that a player shows down (for example as simply as displaying the hand as ( 98532 + 76321 + 54321 ) / 3 = 76391 or better :unsure the average of each digit - so the example would be (9+7+5)/3 = 7, (8+6+4)/3=6 etc to give 76321 (in this case the median hand, but not necessarily so)

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Re: Software for Razz I've looked at the "rules of razz" on various websites, and some of them say that ties for the bring-in are broken by who's closest to the dealer, and some say by suit. Does anybody know how ties are broken for first to act on later streets if the "by suit" rule is used? For example, if one player is showing As 2h and another is showing Ah 2s, who is first to act? The same question applies in seven-card stud.

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Re: Software for Razz

I've looked at the "rules of razz" on various websites, and some of them say that ties for the bring-in are broken by who's closest to the dealer, and some say by suit. Does anybody know how ties are broken for first to act on later streets if the "by suit" rule is used? For example, if one player is showing As 2h and another is showing Ah 2s, who is first to act? The same question applies in seven-card stud.
i thought the later betting rounds are determined by who the original raiser was on the hand.thought the button stayed where it was unless someone put in a raise with that raisor becoming utg:unsure.
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Re: Software for Razz

I've looked at the "rules of razz" on various websites, and some of them say that ties for the bring-in are broken by who's closest to the dealer, and some say by suit. Does anybody know how ties are broken for first to act on later streets if the "by suit" rule is used? For example, if one player is showing As 2h and another is showing Ah 2s, who is first to act? The same question applies in seven-card stud.
For razz, I thought it was the lowest hand on show, so for your example the Ah 2s would get the opportunity to bet first, however now I think about it, I'm not 100% sure.
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Re: Software for Razz

For razz' date=' I thought it was the lowest hand on show, so for your example the Ah 2s would get the opportunity to bet first, however now I think about it, I'm not 100% sure.[/quote'] I agree - is certainly the case on Full Tilt where I've been playing Razz this weekend :ok However dont know how the hands are split if two players have the same :unsure
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Re: Software for Razz Going back to GAF's original point, I dont fully understand what you are trying to achieve, is it to see what up cards a player has mucked, so you have an idea what outs you still have ? or to try and understand what hole cards a player has to whether they enter a hand or not ? Can you explain it further.

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Re: Software for Razz When a player folds, but the hand is still live, you can no longer see their up cards - I want an overlay of the up cards after a player has folded, so that I can see what they folded without having to remember it (or look it up in the dealer comments).....

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