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wish me luck


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playing for a $14k seat at the WSOPE tonight, PLOmaha. starts at 8pm and 2 seats up for grabs,currently 59 regged and is a $100 rebuy (not that i will be). i am confident i can pull off what i did last year with the same odds when i won my WSOP package :dude:dude

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Re: wish me luck

Why would you enter a rebuy with no intention of rebuying? its a +ev from the go and so is adding on. GL anyway :D
i won my seat to this Brian, and didnt know at the time it was a re-buy, i dont have £50 a time to throw away at this as much as i would like to.
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Re: wish me luck

wasnt meant to be,, i get dealt QQAK,1 raises 3x bb and 1 caller i re-raise and both call. flop is 7/7/? i push representing the 7 for trips and get called ( why? ) and he has K/K oh well a lot to learn still i think,
if the other card was a real no outer then theres not much reason to push big with a 7, so he probably had you on a pp other than aces i would guess, so he has to call. depends on what you had left really, if you were short then you didnt have much choice.if you had enough to, a value bet might have been more likely to scare him off strangely enough.
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