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STT Challenge - Final Table


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Re: STT Challenge - Final Table 99 sets - damn, that's because I never got round to doing 1. :spank The response to this challenge has been absolutely fantastic and everyone who had a go deserves a pat on the back (and a kick up the @ to those that didn't :$ ). A big well done to the top 3. :clap:clap:clap And an even bigger one to Mr V and to Rivrd for their work on it. :clap:clap:cheers

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Re: STT Challenge - Final Table I can't have been the only sad s0d to calculate this, but an overall profit of €287.70 and rake of €486 (prizes of €400) - thanks to PK and all concerned in the admin. Who knows, if Gremlin hadn't had such a stonking set early doors, we might have had even MORE sets.

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Re: STT Challenge - Final Table I'm in the process of converting this into BPP scores. I actually make it 98 challenges listed - placings jump between 45th and 47th. Also McG's '28th' is actually in 23rd (so the next 5 drop down 1 place). Makes no difference whatsoever to the STT result, just didn't want anyone querying their BPP placing. Where %'s are equal I've placed it as the highest, eg. spanner is =34th not 36th. :ok

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Re: STT Challenge - Final Table It's been a fascinating challenge. Thought I would be able to analyse my own results to gain some insight into my own play...but that's not really so, as I soon moved to the 30 seaters...games that I would not normally play! I only twice, as far as I know, came up against fellow PLers, so this was different in that each set became a more personal challenge rather than a forum challenge. Overall I finished about level (apart from the 2nd place prize)...but have thoroughly enjoyed playing in this, just got a little miffed when I couldn't complete my last set because the computer said ''NO!''. Well done everybody who had a go :clap:clap:clap Many thanks to Valiant and Poker Kings for this one...will be keeping an eye out for similar ones in the future. :hope:hope:hope :cheers

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Re: STT Challenge - Final Table

Huge :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy to the winners and a big :clap:clap:clap to all those in profit. An excellent performance by PL and the top 3 in particular. Also :clap:clap:clap:clap Mr V for the admin, appreciated by all. :ok
Sums it up perfectly for me. A great idea and very well run and supported too. :clap:clap
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Re: STT Challenge - Final Table Well Done Everyone :clap:clap as i am sure that you all agree that this was a great challenge and i am sure that you all look forward to the next one. :ok Thanks Valiant and Helen for the final update :clap And did Mr V ever work out Fenners 1st set :loon:rollin:rollin:tongue2

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