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Return of the Prop Bet!


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Re: Return of the Prop Bet!

Cheers dobbin' date='mine is empty though:unsure if i need microsoft office or something for it to appear Steve will have to do it for now although i have m/o coming.[/quote'] did no zip files come will the email.....if not I am not sure how to send it you.....I will ask my brother to do it for me tommorow There should have been a zip files called MAYPROPbet.xls
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Re: Return of the Prop Bet! So confirmed that they want to play are: Me Steve Rivrd Uber Samba Possibles mcg Any latecomers Is everybody happy with $50 easier as it will be held in stars or full tilt. Top 10 Points scores count ,incl dble points games on a monday in the pk league.

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Re: Return of the Prop Bet! Just pinched this from dobbins post before but does this sound okay? Breakdown of PrizePool. 1-4 Plers Playing 1 Place Paid..100% 5-8 Plers Playing 2 Places Paid 1st Place 60% 2nd Place 40% 9+Plers Players 3 Places Paid 1st Place 50% 2nd Place 30% 3rd Place 20%

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