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Sick Dilemma II

billy the punter

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Hand from about an hour ago. $2/5 PLO - 6 handed on betfair. I've trebled my stack and I'm sitting with just shy of $1500. It was a raised pot and I call in the BB with JJxx. Flop comes down: JQQ Chap to my right who I've played a few times is quite solid for the level, ABC omaha, can fold a hand etc. He has about $1200 and he bets the pot which was $70. I make it $280. All fold back to the bettor to my right. He comes back over the top. I can't recall if he raised pot again or close to it. It was at least $500 more anyway. Only a real poor player (and there are plenty about) would make this move with QAxx. It's a sick fold and there is only two hands that beat be (quads -unlikely as he bet out AND QJ) but what am I beating? I declare what I have and fold. He tells me he has AQT9 (trips and straight draw) and I tell him not to waste his breath and that I know he has QJ. We have a little bit of history and later he tells me he did have the QJ. We don't know for sure but I would stake a lot of money that he did. It was a painfull fold - that I KNOW. :puke

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Re: Sick Dilemma II The key factor for me was the fact that the two players involved in the hand were sitting deep. Vs a small stack I call, not only as it's cheaper, but because a smaller stack is more likely to chuck it in with AQKx for example. A big stack wouldn't do that versus another big stack, big stacks don't really want to tangle with another big stack without the nuts. Which is why he didn't slow play it I suppose.

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Re: Sick Dilemma II

This seems pretty standard to me' date=' given that your deep and have reads that he's solid.[/quote'] Just added to my post regarding the deepness of the stacks. By solid I don't mean a rock. I've played him a few times and he is ABC like I say. Good for the level - 75% of players are terrible online at this level as you probably know. Surprised you see cut and dry though. Or 'standard'.
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Re: Sick Dilemma II That's a situation that I always hate Bill playing omaha and it probably comes about every other day more or less. Against a solid player like you say I would have to let it go but against a loose player who likes to gamble I'd be reraising again. He could have had AQT9 but it is unlikely if he's a tight solid player, although he may have thought you were making a play at the pot and he did have a legitimate reraising hand.

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Re: Sick Dilemma II Dont have a clue, but foot on the other boot did the villian play it correct? Out of curiosity did you play at all levels up to these and just how easy could you make money at say 0.25/0.50, every time I take a nosey at omaha I seem to see massive pots and half a dozen roulette players( unfortunatley me included)

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Re: Sick Dilemma II

Folding the 3rd nuts in Omaha is standard.
Only in the ABC/black and white world of student poker. You probably agree with the falicy that there is no bluffing at Omaha. That mentality will see you skint in better games. Besides all '3rd nuts' are not equal. In your typical sweeping statement you're suggesting they are and that folded A2 on a 345 flop is the same. Or folding JcQc on a 4c8cTc flop. Those are 3rd nuts that will be hitting the muck with scorchmarks.
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Re: Sick Dilemma II

Dont have a clue, but foot on the other boot did the villian play it correct? Out of curiosity did you play at all levels up to these and just how easy could you make money at say 0.25/0.50, every time I take a nosey at omaha I seem to see massive pots and half a dozen roulette players( unfortunatley me included)
He could've called my raise and check the turn, I probably bet again if there is a small turn. Once he called again on turn though I will check down. My first experience of Omaha was £3/£3 live many years ago. I've never played small limits at it. The standard of play at 1/2 and 2/5 is so poor that you should be looking to play at those levels even if you're not that comfortable bankrole wise. It's not the same as HE were 2/5 is of a fair standard.
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Re: Sick Dilemma II

Only in the ABC/black and white world of student poker. You probably agree with the falicy that there is no bluffing at Omaha. That mentality will see you skint in better games. Besides all '3rd nuts' are not equal. In your typical sweeping statement you're suggesting they are and that folded A2 on a 345 flop is the same. Or folding JcQc on a 4c8cTc flop. Those are 3rd nuts that will be hitting the muck with scorchmarks.
Perhaps I could've explained this better. I think you've over symplified it Nade. It's not always about the cards - something that we disagree on quite a bit. If this was against a short/shorter stack then I probably would've called because a smaller stack is more likely to gamble with a hand like QAT9 or QAKT or QAKK or whatever. The key thing for me is not so much the hands/flop - it's the stacks involved, they were the pivotal points in reading the situation. That's the purpose of the post. It is not always standard to fold the 3rd nuts. robstering and Steve mentioned the reasoning behind the fold - stacks/previous history etc. They have similar opinions to me. It's not as simple as, "I'm facing heat with the 2nd nut house and therefore should fold". Not in my opinion anyway.
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Re: Sick Dilemma II

Just added to my post regarding the deepness of the stacks. By solid I don't mean a rock. I've played him a few times and he is ABC like I say. Good for the level - 75% of players are terrible online at this level as you probably know. Surprised you see cut and dry though. Or 'standard'.
It's a tough fold to make, but logically there is no way a decent player with a deep stack is 3-betting trips and top kicker on this flop against another big stack. I know a lot of people would just think "full house" and shovel their money in there, but really for what would be about a 500 BB pot, stacking off here is bad.
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Re: Sick Dilemma II

The standard of play at 1/2 and 2/5 is so poor that you should be looking to play at those levels even if you're not that comfortable bankrole wise.
and then hope that you run like god... But really, what would you call 'being bankrolled' for a semi-pro playing 200 and 500 PLO? Because if a holdem player got hold of that advice and took his 20 BI to PLO he could demolish this bankroll pretty quickly...
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