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*** Poker Kings/Punterslounge August Sit n Go Challenge ***


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Re: *** Poker Kings/Punterslounge August Sit n Go Challenge ***

Quick question...if you play a $5 turbo STT have the rest to be Turbos or is it just the value that has to remain the same?
Yes thats right the value of the buy-in. You can play 5 seaters, 10 seaters, 20 seaters, 30 seaters, pays4, coolers, and HU (and any others not mentioned) at the same buy in, although obviously the juice must be taken into consideration when calculating ROI. :ok
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Re: *** Poker Kings/Punterslounge August Sit n Go Challenge *** Like the look of this...just want to ask a few questions before we start on Monday. Understand please that I am not questioning just for the sake of it...just want to have everything straight in my head before it starts.:ok

ONLY once a player has completed a set, they are entitled to start another, and are completely free to choose which level they play at. They must start a new thread in which to record their results. In your thread, you must post a screenshot of the tournament lobby within 5 minutes of the start of the comp, and you must also post a screenshot showing the end of the comp, along with any cash won.
................................. So I have to take a screen shot...put it on a host site, get the link and post it in my own thread...all within 5 minutes (and play poker at the same time!). I hope you realise how bloody slow I can be on my PC ! :eyes (OH!...or is it just that the screenshot has to be taken within first 5 minutes???) ................................. OK...done that and unplaced in my first three games...So I am now stuck with having to complete all ten games before having another go...or would it be possible to declare a set dead and start another one? (maybe at a different level to prevent skullduggery?) ................................. I have let's say picked 3€ games and have played five so far...accepting that I can't start another challenge until I have completed this one...however am I allowed to play a couple of 10€ games without it affecting my current challenge ? ................................. Here we go again...I need two screenshots for the first game...fine. Do I then need two similar for each and every leg played after that? It may become problematic if I have a game starting half way through another one. or...once I've started the set of ten going...will screenshots of each endgame suffice??? ................................. Finally can I ask PokerKings...could you introduce some 10 cent STTs as of monday...PLEASE!!! ....................... Looking forward to this one...well done yet again PL :clap:clap:clap
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Re: *** Poker Kings/Punterslounge August Sit n Go Challenge *** By the way...when I open this thread I have a pop-up message saying: ? This website wants to run the following add-on: '2007 Microsoft Office component'. If you trust the website and the add-on and want it to run, click here... X Think it's to do with whatever Valiant has above the title on the first post. :unsure:unsure:unsure

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Re: *** Poker Kings/Punterslounge August Sit n Go Challenge *** Dodge, regards the first post I copied it out of Office so I guess its included some hidden formatting. However I don't get that when I open this thread at all. :\ I've answered your queries and added them to post #1...thanks for them. :ok

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Re: *** Poker Kings/Punterslounge August Sit n Go Challenge ***

We already have one event ready to go...just needs to have some BPP points sorted out for it... Clearly the Decathlon could be the PokerKings ''Set of 10'' challenge. :ok
I agree - we'll have this as our decathlon event. :ok I will put the event down nominally as Friday 29th, which is the last day of the STT challenge, but it is running from Mon 4th. The BPP points will be awarded (usual formula) based on your highest finishing position ranked amongst all the challenges. You can only score once, but any other positions you achieve will count as pushing others down the ranking. So if you finish 1st and 2nd overall, you will score BPP points for 1st and the next person will only score points for 3rd, points for 2nd are void. Does that sound OK? I know it's akin to allowing rebuys but I think in this case it's acceptable.
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