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BPP Scoring/Format


BPP Scoring/Format  

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    • PokerStars Quintuple Shootout $2+0.20
    • Kinky Cash Game
    • 32Red Be The Bounty $10+1
    • Virgin V Roll 25RH Freeroll
    • Poker Trillion $500 Affiliate Freeroll
    • Ladbrokes Killer Omaha HiLo $6+0.60
    • DTD PLWSOP Satellite £5+0.50
    • PokerStars Tuesday Night Game $10+1
    • Ladbrokes $1k Guaranteed High Stack $4+0.40
    • Poker Trillion $1500 added PLvBlonde Challenge $10+1
    • Gnuf One Dollar Baby $1
    • Boss Deep and Steep â?¬5+0.50
    • PokerStars Deviant Delights (various)
    • Boss Heads Up â?¬10+1
    • PokerStars Deepstack $10+1
    • PokerStars Sunday $200 gtd

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A few ideas have been put forward for a new scoring system for BPP. I'll copy them into here. Please add any more ideas or thoughts on those put forward and we'll see if there's a desire to change how it works in future. Thoughts about the current system. Although it's not easy to work out the points manually, it's very easy to do once the formula is in a spreadsheet. Any new system would need to be capable of being tracked in a spreadsheet (and you might have to design it :tongue2). It awards more points the more entrants there are, but the difference in points between each position is constant (eg. 1st is 60 more than 2nd, which is 35 more than 3rd...) However, no account is taken of size of buy-in.

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Re: BPP Scoring .

My one problem with the BPP was always that massive freerolls with thousands of players had a vastly greater effect on the standings than smaller tournaments with maybe higher entry costs. So...my idea would be to carry on using the current scoring system...but then adjust them so that the top score is always 100. That way all games would count equally regardless of the number of entries. As an example...the BPP scores for last nights PokerKings game would have been low due to only 21 entries...yet that was one of the toughest games I have played in and it would be nice to know that every game carried the same reward.
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Re: BPP Scoring {moved from other thread...} Quote:

Originally Posted by happyhornet viewpost.gif Also with regards to Dodger's ideas on the BPP scoring system, an immediate issue that I see is with a maximum score of 100. This would mean that last night's league winner over 20 (albeit 20 PL) opponents would have the same tariff as when Heniek finished 4th of 18000-odd. Not sure this would be fair either.
It's difficult to find middle ground really...I was thinking along the lines that if a player won a 10000 player freeroll then they would nail the top spot for the next month. Maybe we could have a set points system. So that whatever tournament we play in the best PL performance gets 10 points...then 9,8,7 etc. Most leagues are run on a set points system (poker gods/pokerkings etc) and are not dependant on field size. Of course the most important thing is that we know where we stand before things start...whatever system is used. :eyes
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Re: BPP Scoring How about some form of scoring dependent on the number of PL players in the chosen game (based on them indicating they are wishing to play in the focus game) as opposed to the overall number of palyers playing I know people are against flat scoring systems so something akin to the BPP Old scoring system but just calculated on your position amongst all the registered PL'rs in the tourney

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Re: BPP Scoring A couple of ideas Rivrd previously sent by PM.

Just a quick note as regards to BPP points, just an idea but would be interested in your thoughts. Was Thinking of the point structure being as follows : 1 = 200 pts 2 = 100 pts 3 = 75 pts 4 = 50 pts 5 = 25 pts 6 = 20 pts 7 = 18 pts 8 = 16 pts 9 = 14 pts 10 = 12 pts 11 = 10 pts 12 = 9 pts 13 = 8 pts 14 = 7 pts 15 = 6 pts 16 = 5 pts 17 = 4 pts 18 = 3 pts 19 = 2 pts 20 = 1 pts These would be awarded regardless of how many runners, top 20 would be given as overall position by all fellow PL'rs + Finish 1st in any MTT with over 100 players in would get a bonus of 300 pts + Make FT in any MTT with over 100 players would get a bonus of 150 pts + Any Focus game PL only, Top 5 finishers would get double points. Do you think that it would be a good idea to run BPP on a monthly basis, and award BPP at the end of each month, therefore you could possibly run at the end of a 1 year period maybe a shootout from the bpp over the 12 month period ?? obvoiusly the player would get there monthly award and then the finale from bpps over the month possibly get entered into an event of some kind as a reward and overall bragging rights for BPP Would give all players something to play for each month and long term as well.
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Re: BPP Scoring Good ideas there by Dodger and VOJ. Why not come up with a scoring system that calculates a PLer's performance reagrdless of the size of field etc giving the top 10 points. For instance 1st 100 2nd 50 3rd 30 4th 20 5th 15 6th 12 7th 10 8th 8 9th 6 10th 5 Therefore a Pler' wouldn't have to win a tournamnet to receive 100pts he would have to be the top placed Pl'er in any given tournament and the same for the rest of the finishers. Just an idea as it really is a bit of a conundrum. OOPS didn't notice RIVRD's idea which more or less states the same:$

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: BPP Scoring/Format Time to dig up this thread from its burial place deep on page 3, as this month's BPP Olympics are coming to a close. The new BPP will be crowned on 31st August with the intention the title is held for a month. There's not been very much feedback on this month's format so I'm not sure whether to consider it successful? The idea was to find a mix of different games to play, preferably with some added value, and hopefully this has got at least some of you playing some new games which you wouldn't otherwise have found/tried. :unsure So, as well as scoring, what suggestions for format are there for next month? The easiest, would be to pick 3 or 4 regular games (PokerKings league, V Roll, kinky Friday, etc) and repeat them each week. It's quite time consuming looking for a different game each night, but perhaps we can try sharing this out and someone picking games for a week at a time. Another way would be just to have the game with the most votes, although with some basic ground rules for games chosen (ie. not passworded, not rebuy). However, not everyone has yet got back into the habit of voting. ;)

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Re: BPP Scoring/Format Well, thanks to those that have posted ideas. :ok There's not exactly a mandate for change here from the populus, so for the moment I guess we leave the scoring as it is. However I think we should keep it under review as there's some good alternative ideas we could explore. In respect of focus game selection, I'll try a different way to get some feedback by adding a poll.:tongue2 I'll list all the games we've played this month, so if you could vote for any you'd like to see considered in future, it gives us the start of a list to work from. :ok Poll will be up shortly.

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