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River Play


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Re: River Play God Complex that really is quite laughable and I think we can do without that sort of thing in the PL poker section before it starts turning into the Betfair forum. Fcuk me The Mole only gave his opinion if you disagree so what. Either take it on board on discard it. Also Nade why did you feel the need to defend yourself? Did you see it as blatant attack. I think you overreacted big time.

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Re: River Play

Fcuk me The Mole only gave his opinion if you disagree so what. Either take it on board on discard it.
ill give you a hand here...this is what i objected to, not his opinion on the hand.
If this is the way you play (abc) you must find it tough to win, i would love to be at the same table as you guys as i would be taking most the pots off you (with shit) a simple raise and you fold 2 pair ideal.
Since this hand has created such debate would it be alright if i posted it on 2+2 AJ? just to get some more opinions.
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Re: River Play A hand i just played to show my point, if you had kq what would you do dog? ***** Hand 1181743708 ***** 5.00/10.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 August 2008 18:56:51 Table TH 201 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: ImSoRnY! (3711.25) Seat 2: blablablal (1630.62) Seat 3: the_mole (980.00) Seat 4: Riilooaad (1013.50) Seat 5: Andi16964 (1000.00) blablablal post SB 5.00 the_mole post BB 10.00 Andi16964 post BB 10.00 ** Deal ** ImSoRnY! [N/A, N/A] blablablal [N/A, N/A] the_mole [5d, 8c] Riilooaad [N/A, N/A] Andi16964 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Riilooaad Fold Andi16964 Check ImSoRnY! Fold blablablal Fold the_mole Raise to 28.75 Andi16964 Call 28.75 *** Flop(Board): *** : [2c, Jc, Qd] *** Bet Round 2 *** the_mole Bet 50.00 Andi16964 Raise to 100.00 the_mole Call 100.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [2c, Jc, Qd, Ac] *** Bet Round 3 *** the_mole Bet 200.00 Andi16964 Call 200.00 *** River(Board): *** : [2c, Jc, Qd, Ac, Jd] *** Bet Round 4 *** the_mole Bet 480.00 Andi16964 Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 659.50 ImSoRnY! Fold Win: 0.00 blablablal Fold Win: 0.00 the_mole By default Win: 659.50 Riilooaad Fold Win: 0.00 Andi16964 Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: River Play

A hand i just played to show my point, if you had kq what would you do dog? ***** Hand 1181743708 ***** 5.00/10.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 August 2008 18:56:51 Table TH 201 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: ImSoRnY! (3711.25) Seat 2: blablablal (1630.62) Seat 3: the_mole (980.00) Seat 4: Riilooaad (1013.50) Seat 5: Andi16964 (1000.00) blablablal post SB 5.00 the_mole post BB 10.00 Andi16964 post BB 10.00 ** Deal ** ImSoRnY! [N/A, N/A] blablablal [N/A, N/A] the_mole [5d, 8c] Riilooaad [N/A, N/A] Andi16964 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Riilooaad Fold Andi16964 Check ImSoRnY! Fold blablablal Fold the_mole Raise to 28.75 Andi16964 Call 28.75 *** Flop(Board): *** : [2c, Jc, Qd] *** Bet Round 2 *** the_mole Bet 50.00 Andi16964 Raise to 100.00 the_mole Call 100.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [2c, Jc, Qd, Ac] *** Bet Round 3 *** the_mole Bet 200.00 Andi16964 Call 200.00 *** River(Board): *** : [2c, Jc, Qd, Ac, Jd] *** Bet Round 4 *** the_mole Bet 480.00 Andi16964 Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 659.50 ImSoRnY! Fold Win: 0.00 blablablal Fold Win: 0.00 the_mole By default Win: 659.50 Riilooaad Fold Win: 0.00 Andi16964 Fold Win: 0.00
You got sommmeeeee bottle!!
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Re: River Play o dear this is getting a little bitter cant we just have a pint and calm down. its a difference of opinion i think nade and dog need to look at it as such critiscm is not a bad thing i think everything mole has said has been constructive and the god comment was well out of order but ignore me cos when i m sober tommorrow i will delet this

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Re: River Play

o dear this is getting a little bitter cant we just have a pint and calm down. its a difference of opinion i think nade and dog need to look at it as such critiscm is not a bad thing i think everything mole has said has been constructive and the god comment was well out of order but ignore me cos when i m sober tommorrow i will delet this
:clap Well said sozzled Wurzel. P.S. You can't delete this. :D
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Re: River Play Right folks as i see it thread started off opinions wise fair enough. We are all hear to learn off each other and hopefully take on board critiscm or not your own personal choice. I often read these threads but not often post unless pissed :tongue2 We all can expand our knowledge of how to win in all forms of poker be it cash tourney stt&g hell even kinky fridays :loon I for one take on board what everyone says and form my own opinion be it right or wrong, Yet at the end of the day when u play its your money your call your win your loss, But my biggest advice of all is to listen and take onboard someone who is actually trying to help us. Rant over time for a peeve (Carlisle slang for :beer the un educated :lol )

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Re: River Play

If this is the way you play (abc) you must find it tough to win, i would love to be at the same table as you guys as i would be taking most the pots off you (with shit) a simple raise and you fold 2 pair ideal.
This is the part that annoyed me.
Also Nade why did you feel the need to defend yourself? Did you see it as blatant attack. I think you overreacted big time.
Reason it irked me is because it does come across as very arrogant and although Dogs went OTT i get his point. Mole's point wasn't constructive criticism, just a naive generalisation that due to 1 way i said the hand could be played (And FWIW turned out to be the best way to play the hand) he sees himself as massively superior and gave it the big I AM. Mole might be a lot better but the only person overreacting is him. And we could all post HHs Mole proving how we play but it's just boring. P.S. Not stressed out, just saying it as I and obv. dogs saw it too.
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Re: River Play nade if you have a bee in your bonnet about the mole that is fine but get over it the only 1 looking daft here is you up to this point i have read some very sensible threads and replies from you. but in this thread both of you are over reacting i dont know the mole personally but he has never said he is better than anyone anywhere in his threads he is a poker player i dream of being like ( but will never be because i am not good enough and dont care enough and dont have his brass bolox). i dont know you either but you sound like someone who at the moment is taking his selve way to seriously this foromn normally is a lot of fun but threads likr this are daft there is no definite right or wrong only oponions and winners ,please just do what students do have a smoke and mellow out .right duke ive called a cab whers botchergate and no whiskys ta who wants to join the g g not me end of rant time for bed gl all

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Re: River Play Thanks for all the differing opinions, you've all given me stuff to think about. This hand did piss me off, I think I had to make the river call, I've seen plenty of people at this level check raise on the river with TPTK. It's not common but for $5 more I think it was worth it. Larger turn bet is mostly likely the play for me it this situation next time round. How about we leave it here? I'd hate to see to turn into a slanging match.

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Re: River Play AJ for me and this is an honest opinion. For one i found it a very intersting hand as i do every hand call me a weirdo but thats me :lol Secondly ive enjoyed the varying opinions on it and what has highlighted the most for me and i quote me is the mindset of differing levels of player which im sure all can seriously analyse to there own advantage :) cheers AJ and gl all

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Re: River Play

I don't have a problem with the Mole, he's obv. a great player and i look up to him, but i still feel the same about his original comments which he hasn't retracted so i feel the same - he came across as very arrogant and his opinion of me is clearly wrong. I much prefer making money to smoking bongs ;) Finito.
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Re: River Play I started this thread, so I'm going to close it. This is the second thread in PS that has turned into a slagging match recently (BtPs being the other). It's not GC guys, let's remember that eh ?

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