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Scottish Championship 2008


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Re: Scottish Championship 2008

Did we receive some compensation then? I just assumed we got the $109 back as stated by Fenner.........I can't work out how much I got as I didn't have a clue how much I had in there!:$:$ How much did we get then....$165? TQM
You should have 56 euros in cash and 109 euros in tournament credits - euros not dollars. As far as I am concerned Paradise have cocked up big time. There were about 150 entries last night, but I bet no more than half of those were genuinely interested in the package and the other half thought when they played the satellite that they would be withdrawing from the final and taking the tournament credits anyway. All Paradise have done is given them what they wanted anyway and left me with twice the work to do to qualify. I might change my mind but at the moment I'm going to take the profit and run and it serves Paradise right. Where is the email explaining the change in tournament ?
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Re: Scottish Championship 2008

Ill email my contact for you over at Paradise and see if theres any news
So what did he have to say mate? (Yes, I know I'm off my usual patch) ;) I rang support at about 4.15pm because I hadnt had an email, and they hadnt a clue - said they didnt know when or if it would be rescheduled, yet this was after the "new" game was already in the lobby. I only signed up to Paradise for this promotion, so I won't be stopping. Sportingbet have been around a long time, would have expected better from them than this malarkey. Even with the overlay, which I gather from this thread extends to a lot of the feeder satellites, you'd think they'd want to hold their heads up and have 10 players in Edinburgh wearing their logos. Wont give these fornicators another penny. Hope all the forums publicise this welshing on their commitment. 13 runners with 1 minute to go. LMAO, they've got what they want then. No seats.
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Re: Scottish Championship 2008 And by forking out 152 x €56 = €8512 as "top ups", 99% of which will be getting withdrawn as cash I'm sure - they saved an overlay on the final of €9800 (less registration fees). Genius.

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Re: Scottish Championship 2008 I never got a reply today off Paradise..... However....with the press anouncement regarding Poker Trillion and Boss Media, im sure they have a lot to deal with Ill hopefully hear from my contact tomorrow and ill convey all your thoughts to him and see what he says

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Re: Scottish Championship 2008 I think it's disgraceful, whatever the excuse they may come up with.

There were about 150 entries last night' date=' but I bet no more than half of those were genuinely interested in the package and the other half thought when they played the satellite that they would be withdrawing from the final and taking the tournament credits anyway[/quote']. 13 started, which wasn't enough for a package. Also, I kept an eye on a lot of the sats last week and it was the same people playing day after day, clearly unreging and taking the tourney credits. Complete and utter blx. :moon
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