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News on payouts

slick mick

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Re: News on payouts Hello all .. The exact sentence was : 8th August you stated it would be received WITHIN a week Either you cannot count or you are a liar This league finished weeks ago Where are the winnings? a bit different than what he said.. I explained him it s not under our control and he will be paid, and it s just matter of few days. I know he want his money asap but all country got the same issue. By the way, we've got just few days of delay than expected and he wrote me friday evening, saturday morning and 3 times today. I answered all and explain it s week end i can't do nothing for help. So yes i banned him from the next season because he cross a line which he shouldn't do . I'm the Head marketing games of Esport Poker and i take time for him and always answered him and did apologize for the delay even on week end time I'm not his toys. So.. sorry for the delay for allplayers who are waiting their money. We were very busy these last days to change all the league system and be sure you'll be paid asap. Br Sam

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Re: News on payouts I don't care what Joe said, for him to be banned is a disgrace. You advertise a league, yet wait at least 2 months to pay everyone. I haven't publicaly moaned too much, as apart from the fact I'm a bit sick of poker and haven't been around too much, I'm not desperate for the money and I'm very slow at coming forward when I know I haven't paid a penny out. But when you play in something and money is promised, a couple of weeks wait is well over the top to be honest. A month, well, you should be ashamed of advertising without making this clear from the start. Joe and plenty of others are well within their right to question the honesty and integrity of e sport. If you put in the T & C that money may be delayed for an age because of bollocks, then fair enough. But when you win money, you automatically place that cash somewhere, whether it be a bankrolll, a holiday, a mars bar, or a new TV. To have to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait for it, to be given excuse after excuse after excuse, is quite frankly disgusting. Sort yourselves out, or you'll lose the support of us and everyone else who will help your leagues grow.

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Re: News on payouts

You advertise a league' date= yet wait at least 2 months to pay everyone. When I get knocked out on Poker Stars/Full Tilt, but I'm in the money, I get it straight away. The UK League ended mid May, we got paid mid July. Thats 2 months on my calender. The Heads Up/Champions League ended mid July. We're a month along already. Although payments should have been made a long time before now, prove me wrong and pay us this week.
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Re: News on payouts

So yes i banned him from the next season because he cross a line which he shouldn't do . I'm the Head marketing games of Esport Poker and i take time for him and always answered him and did apologize for the delay even on week end time I'm not his toys.
Actually you ARE his toy. As a Marketing manager you should have more kop on but it is obvious you have no idea of public relations and have no idea of your job!!!!!! . You are IN FACT his toy as he seems pleased..... Get over yourself - you are a face for the company and a pretty pathetic face at that!! On a general basic - you are nothing more than a complete cock with your head shoved so far up your own arse that you have no idea about how to run anything..... P.S APOLOGIES if you really are 10 years old as I dont normally swear at kids!! :ok
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Re: News on payouts

I'm very happy to see these comment. Anyway,I'm on way to cancel the entire UK league for the next season. ( and for my English.. : I'm French )
Your attitude is beyond comprehension and you have no idea how to handle criticism clearly. Your replies are the replies of an 8 year old mentality. I'll be speaking to Alexander about you too. Esport can finish this deal professionally or they can mess this forum about even more, I suggest you don't choose the latter. Anyway, I'll be speaking to Alexander later when I have all the facts.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: News on payouts

Brent : I am going to forward this to the relevant department, they will investigate this for you and contact you via email. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: Ok, thanks, any idea how long it will take? spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Well I can not give you an exact time. However, it should be quite quick. 2 days later and still nothing
So 11 days later I get an email telling me they'll be sending me an email Hi Mr. Ilderton, Thank you for contacting Pokerroom.com regarding ESports. We have received an update from ESports regarding your payments. Our information manager is in the process of forwarding further information to you regarding the payments. You will receive this information very soon. Should you have any further queries, please contact us again. Regards, Tinashe PokerRoom.com Support Team :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall
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Re: News on payouts

http://www.ecogra.org/ Try using this Mick
Joe, You're only going to complicate things. I've got this in hand and have we ever not been paid out before, bar GoalPoker who we pretty much bankrupted ourself? The answer is of course no, so leave it with me. I'm assured the payments will be with you very soon. However, let's get something clear here too. The payment situation is truly awful, nobody is denying that, but it cost nothing for any of us to enter too, so if could get that return and have to wait 3 months to get paid out, I probably would have all the patience in the world.
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Re: News on payouts I thought ECOGRA might cause extra complications, so I agree there. I am hopeful of oneday seeing my $2500 for 3rd/4th in the Heads Up league. And if I do get it it's turned out a pretty good result. But though it was a "freeroll" the commitment of time to play in these leagues was enormous 25 evenings in the HU and even more in the teams- so it cost me a lot - in terms of missed social opportunities when I had to play an esport round instead and financially in terms of the winnings I would typically have expected playing other poker events instead of the esport ones.

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