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News on payouts

slick mick

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Had a chat with esport live support Mick says: Hi, can you tell me when the payouts for the Heads Up League will happen? eSport says: as soon as possible. We are working on them today. eSport says: but I wont expect them this week to happen. At least that's the way it runs with our partner. Mick says: how about the Champions League? eSport says: the same about that, but there we wait an internal investigation, as we have information regarding a team cheating. So hopefully next week for HU payouts and God only knows when the CL payouts will happen:wall

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Re: News on payouts Hi Mr. Ilderton, You will be pleased to know that the relevant department has gotten back to us with regards to your ESport Heads Up League Final. Please be advised that your funds will be credited into your account soon. We thank you for your co-operation and patience. Should you have any further queries, please contact us again. Regards, Blain

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Re: News on payouts soonhttp://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0 height=13 width=10 classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000>

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &ampnbsp&ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp (soomacr.gifn) adv. soon·er, soon·est 1. In the near future; shortly. 2. Without hesitation; promptly 3. Before the usual or appointed time; early. Esport usage of ''soon''...acronym for ''September, October or November.''
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Re: News on payouts Any luck Mick? I withdrew the winnings from the league games and had a few probs but i have now got all the money I also got the $3000 from the pokernews league and i received that in my bank account today I would chase them as i did eventually they will just pay you and deal with esport later

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Re: News on payouts Latest nonsense from pokerroom; Live chat with pokerroom SPSlick Mick: On Sunday Jul 27 I received confirmation from pokerroom that they had confirmation of my $4000 winnings in the esport HU league and that it would be credited to my account soon. 12 days later this still hasn't happened. Can you tell me when my account will be credited? spacer_e5e5e5.gif System: Connection established. spacer_e5e5e5.gif System: Initiating Call, Please Wait. spacer_e5e5e5.gif System: Connecting... An agent will be with you shortly. spacer_e5e5e5.gif System: Welcome to Live Chat. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: Welcome to PokerRoom.com support. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: Do you mind holding while I have a look at your account please regarding this HU league credit? spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: that's fine spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: Thank you so much for holding Mr. Ilderton. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: After reviewing your account I can see that an email was forwarded to you 28Jul08 advising that there was a delay in receiving feedback from E-sports regarding the payment Mr. Ilderton. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: I can understand that you are frustrated with the delay in receiving your funds. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: but you confirmed it on the 27th spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 4:18 PM, wrote: Hi Mr. Ilderton, You will be pleased to know that the relevant department has gotten back to us with regards to your ESport Heads Up League Final. Please be advised that your funds will be credited into your account soon. We thank you for your co-operation and patience. Should you have any further queries, please contact us again. Regards, Blain PokerRoom.com Support Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PokerRoom.com MEET THEM AND BEAT THEM http://www.pokerroom.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PokerRoom.com acknowledges its commitment to responsible gaming. https://www.pokerroom.com/account/responsible-gaming/overview.html@pokerroom.com> spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: There was another email sent after this Mr. Ilderton. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: I will resend it for you. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: no need just explain why you would acknowledge receipt of the credit and then deny it spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: I am not denying it Mr. Ilderton. I am asking for your patience please as the email states they require 2 weeks to process the payment. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: thats the second email which contradicts the first. Can you explain what is going on? spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: Have pokerroom received the information or not? spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: I have resent the email which was sent 28Jul08 which is the response from our Payments department Mr. Ilderton. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: Have pokerroom received the information or not? spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: I am not able to confirm at this time Mr. Ilderton. Please allow till Monday for the full 2 weeks of business days required for the payments to be processed. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: Will I be credited on Monday? spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: I apologise for the inconvenience caused as I am unable to confirm this Mr. Ilderton. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: What I will do is send a chaser email to see if there has been any feedback from E-Sports. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: Is there anybody working at pokerroom who knows what is going on? spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: You will receive an email when they have an update for you Mr. Ilderton. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Lyssa: I truly appreciate your patience and understanding in this regard.

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Re: News on payouts When I used to work at the bank and took a telephone call about something I didn't know or didn't understand I would go out of my way to get it sorted or passed on to the correct person who could do it. Often I would actually admit to the customer...''I'm sorry but I haven't a clue what is needed here, but if I can call you back I'll find out what needs to be done.''...and the customers seemed to appreciate the honesty! Customer service nowadays just seems to be ''pass the buck'' and nobody gives a damn about the customer anymore. This conversation, in it's entirity, is a simple case of Lyssa not having a clue what is going on...but seemingly being unable to recognise that fact...and feeling that a totally fake appreciation of your patience (well that's BS...you would not be contacting them if that was the case) and understanding (again...isn't it obvious that NOBODY UNDERSTANDS!) will suffice to make you get off the line and leave her alone to polish her nails and text the boyfriend to ask if her arse looks big in those new jeans she just bought. The last thing on her mind will be to get things sorted out...that's if it's on her bloody mind at all!

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Re: News on payouts New answer today...they sent the list 2 days ago:lol:lol:lol Chris says:

hi eSport says: hi Chris says: do u know when payments will be made for the HU league? eSport says: they are requested two days ago, as we needed some detailed info, we couldnt get earlier. eSport says: so they should get to you pretty soon. I hope beginning of next week Chris says: thanks
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Re: News on payouts Just found this on the esport forum:

AutorChampions League Payouts
ISL| Richard [Administrator] 29.07.2008 16:35
Champions League Payoutsanswer notify quote
The prizemoney for the Champions league will be delayed whilst an investigation is made into suspected breach of rules. This investigation may result in the disqualification of a team and so no payments can be made until the situation is resolved. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Richard eSport-Poker.com Support Team
AmonDuul [user] 31.07.2008 20:08
Re: Champions League Payoutsnotify quote
Richard, thanks for the info. However, the UK League payments were all wrong, and nobody has answered emails or forum posts on this. Every member of our team received less than what was due, and despite being a team event, everybody got differing amounts, despite the fact that the only reason that certain players couldn`t play most games, was entirely down to Poker Room`s "technical difficulties".
caddyscabin [user] 04.08.2008 18:42
Antwort: Champions League Payoutsnotify quote

Zitat von: ISL| Richard vom 29.07.2008 16:35 The prizemoney for the Champions league will be delayed whilst an investigation is made into suspected breach of rules. This investigation may result in the disqualification of a team and so no payments can be made until the situation is resolved. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Richard eSport-Poker.com Support Team

Any news yet still waiting on payment for open league also payment for champions league also payment for playoffs, AN up date would be good, But even better paying us out would be better, team is really restless now and you could find yourself with no teams to play any more league games cause you do not address the situation , Our team manager has also contacted you and you are not even responding to him. Its time for us to go to ecogra or whoever the governing body of your games is and get them to kick butt.

ISL| Joachim [Administrator] 07.08.2008 17:35
Re: Champions League Payoutsnotify quote
Hi, the prizemoney for the HeadsUp League is on its way now. The prizemoney for Open League PlayOffs should be on the roll too. Champions League is still not going, as we are still loking into some stuff. It seems that some teams might get disqualified, which will then lead to a total different prizemoney distribution. And due to the fact, that we want to do that the right way, we want hard facts. Sorry again for the delay, Kind Regards, Jo eSport-Poker.com Team
AmonDuul [user] 07.08.2008 21:59
Re: Champions League Payoutsnotify quote
Jo, the UK League payments were all wrong. Nobody received the full amount they were due. As for the Champions League, I can understand why payments are delayed, but if the problem is as widespread as I suspected before, then the whole result will have been affected by the participation of these teams, and really, you have to consider replaying the Final. Please reply, either here, or even better, all the emails that we have sent, a response would be appreciated.
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Re: News on payouts What does anyone think of this Exchange with Pokerroom support. Hi mr. "BillHicks", Thank you for your email regarding your prize money. Kindly be advised that PokerRoom.com only hosts the E-Sport's games. All payment-related enquires must be made to your E-Sport's team manager/leader. Should you have any further queries, please contact us again. Regards, Sibulele PokerRoom.com Support Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PokerRoom.com MEET THEM AND BEAT THEM http://www.pokerroom.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fair, honest and secure Did you know that PokerRoom.com is the first online pokersite to be accredited with the eCOGRA seal of approval? This means that eCOGRA states that our games are fair, that we operate honestly and behave responsibly, that monetary deposits are safe here and that winnings are paid out in a timely manner. Click here to learn more: http://www.pokerroom.com/about/ PokerRoom.com acknowledges its commitment to responsible gaming. https://www.pokerroom.com/account/responsible-gaming/overview.html On August 12, 2008 at 10:57 AM > >Category: My Account Information - Real / Play Money Balances > >Subject: E-sport Heads up league prize > >Where is the prize money for my reaching the Semi Final of the E-sport poker Heads Up league. I should have $2500 in my account for finishing 3rd/4th in this league competition. >

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Re: News on payouts Latest Nonsense Could you tell me when the e-sport HU league payments are to be made? spacer_e5e5e5.gif System: Connection established. spacer_e5e5e5.gif System: Initiating Call, Please Wait. spacer_e5e5e5.gif System: Connecting... An agent will be with you shortly. spacer_e5e5e5.gif System: Welcome to Live Chat. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Welcome to PokerRoom.com you are chatting to Brent. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : May I ask what is your name? spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: Michael Ilderton spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Hi Micheal, how are you today? spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: fine thanks spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : That is great. In order to find that information for your query, you would need to contact e-sports. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: I already have, they told me the information has been passed to you and you will arrange the payments spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Can you hold on for me while I check with my senior agent. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: sure spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Thank you. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Thank you for holding Michael, I have consulted with my senior agent and he says we do not have that information at support. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: how do I get to talk to someone who knows what is happening spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : You see it is a e-sport tournament. They should be able to help you, actually they should help you Michael. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: As I already mentioned they have sent the payment information to you so that you can make the payments spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : I do understand that. However, they should be able to tell you the process you should follow. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : I do understand the frustration of all of this but we are limit to information in that tournament. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: According to them you have the money and the payout info and it is up to you to make the payments spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : I will just confirm that with my senior agent. Can you hold one last time? spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: yes spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Thank you for holding. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : I am going to forward this to the relevant department, they will investigate this for you and contact you via email. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: Ok, thanks, any idea how long it will take? spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Well I can not give you an exact time. However, it should be quite quick. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: Ok, thanks for your help spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Sorry I could not assist you further. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Is there anything else I can do for you Michael? spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: no thanks spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Great Michael. spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Thank you for contacting PokerRoom.com support and enjoy your day. spacer_e5e5e5.gif System: Call Disconnected. spacer_e5e5e5.gif

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Re: News on payouts Why does nobody other than the players involved care about this? If you came onto the forum with a problem with a bookmaker or a poker company then any established member would be given help. Apparently PL have contacts at eSport and poker room (look back at the threads when the eSport tournaments were announced) and despite PL members being screwed in the team league, HU league and being kept waiting for months for payouts nothing has been done or even suggested. :eyes:eyes:eyes I have another comment but I think I'll leave it at that:lol:lol

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Re: News on payouts Brent : I am going to forward this to the relevant department, they will investigate this for you and contact you via email. spacer_e5e5e5.gif SPSlick Mick: Ok, thanks, any idea how long it will take? spacer_e5e5e5.gif Brent : Well I can not give you an exact time. However, it should be quite quick. 2 days later and still nothing

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Re: News on payouts Q 8th August you stated it would be received WITHIN a week Either you cannot count or you are a liar This league finished weeks ago Where are the winnings? REPLY Because it was plan like this Ok my company is the shame.. So now 1/ you’ll have your money anyway you are not alone who is waiting for. 2/ you are banned from all our leagues. Br Sam

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