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Good Luck to PLer's in tonight's Challenge

Poker Trillion

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Just to remind you that the games starts at the earlier time of 7:30pm UK time and registration shuts off 5 minutes before. So don't leave it too late. Since last month's game we have had a couple of new features added which might tempt those who wish to multi table:- We still have the daily $5k GTD. This is a $25 rebuy and typically has between $1000 and $1500 added value. This begins at 8pm. There are also other smaller GTD games on the hour - all of which usually have added money At 9pm we have one of our thrice daily APT Freerolls. The Top 50 get Free Steps satellite vouchers. The higher you finish the higher step your voucher will be for. Finally we have just introduced Grab a Grand Steps. Enter for $4 at step 2 and win 4 six handed SnG's and you will pocket $1000. The runner up gets to replay at each level, and some steps compensate lower places too. You can also enter a 10 person SnG for just 50c. See our new 'Steps' tab in the lobby. Good luck to you all tonight. Col

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