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My Cash Game Challenge


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Re: My Cash Game Challenge On the basis if MrV's doing it it can't be THAT stupid, I'm giving this a go. Currently on Stars playing triple draw lowball, table Zellner III - starting balance $25 at limits $0.10/$0.20. Mr V, if you want me to get my own thread, just shout!

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge Best of luck with this. Looks like you have an interesting structure to it :) I will keep tabs when Im online so if you are playing I can take a look. How are you finding it thus far ??

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge Truly awful. :lol I overplayed my NHLE buy in, and struggled with the play in my variant cash (mainly Razz and Stud hi/lo)... I don't want to whinge but as you asked I found I was playing solid hands and getting outdrawn on 7th a lot. I realise it must be something in my play but I also have to consider that I played as 'correctly' as possible and that the standard of play was very, very poor... As a fictitious example, people would call or even 3 bet purely on the basis of having an A (with weak kickers say 9J) as an upcard.

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge I see this problem in both cash games and tournies for "draw" games. I guess you just have to be honest about the hand in hindsight and be happy knowing if the play was correct. In the long run correct play should pay off, right ?? Is this where cash games differ to tourney formats - IMO sometimes in a tourney a correct play may not be what it seems as your "life" comes into the equation. In the flop games (omaha and OH8), this same willingless to give any cards a try at lower levels, generally means you get paid off on your bigger hands :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: My Cash Game Challenge Like the look of this so giving just the nlh ago. Good start as the site im playing this on is 12/25 still starting with $25. Hate grinding so played LAG short handed table, but cant complain as i turned my first $25 into $75 :loon in an hours play Next Level here we go :hope

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge Played 25/50 tonight, wooo what a difference 1hr 20mins of grinding b4 i lost me first $50. Not one to give up reloaded and another hour gone and lost it again. Hit the reload button for the 3rd time and after 45mins managed to double it up. So 3hrs play and $50 down. Definetly some nutters on there so when i give it another try not sure how to play the table LAG, TAG or Super LAG, we will wait and see

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge

Once you'd reloaded you should have started at the bottom again mate, or else you're just chasing losses and I don't really want to be responsible for anyone doing that. :ok
Cheers Valiant, i know :$ but with the extra i won in the 12c/25c am only really $25 down, so dont feel that i am down a great deal. If i fail on my next attempt then will deffo drop down again :hope
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  • 4 months later...

Re: My Cash Game Challenge Dont know if any one is still trying this, but I've been doing a lot of short stacking recently and if you want to double your buy in its infinitly easier to do if you buy in with the minimum. Instead of $20 at $0.1/$0.2 use the $20 at $0.50/$1.00 A couple of hours and your sitting with the mole!

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