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My Cash Game Challenge


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I've said many times that I struggle to find a focus for cash games, mainly due to having no end goal. I've looked for ways to change this so that I can test the water and I think I've found a 'structure' that appeals to me. I'm going to run 2 challenges. One playing the cash tables (at Pokerroom) and one playing cash game variant's such as Razz, Stud, Stud8, HORSE and anything that takes my fancy. As I have never deposited there, I have chosen FTP rather than Pokerstars as my variant home and I will ONLY be playing cash on these sites with the balance available to me. I will keep a record using the Cash game recorder provided by Hodgey (up until the time I break it) and I will be recording my progress in here. This is not a bankroll challenge because I'm ignoring good bankroll management in favour of a higher risk approach. **Do not attempt this challenge unless you can afford to lose.** The Goal: Is to go from playing the lower levels to playing at the higher levels by 'limit jumping'. LEVEL 1: $0.10/$0.25 Start: $25 End: $50 Level 2: $0.25/$0.50 Start: $50 End: $100 Level 3: $0.50/$1.00 Start: $100 End: $200 Level 4: $1/$2 Start: $200 End: $400 Level 5: $2/$4 Start: $400 End: $600 Level 6: $3/$6 Start: $600 End: $1,000 Level 7: $5/$10 Start: $1,000 End: $2,000 Level 8: $10/$20 Start: $2,000 End: $5,000 Level 9: $25/$50 Start: $5,000 End: $10,000 My Rules: 1) In order to avoid a 'risk of ruin' and keep this all self financing, I am not aiming to just reach level 9, but I am planning to aim for level 1, then start again aiming for level two, then start again aiming for level 3 and so on. 1a) I will start any level with the sum listed above, but due to sudden work commitments I may have to end a session before I reach the 'end'. If that is the case, I may restart the level with the end balance of my previous session if I choose. eg. I start level 1 and get to $33 before work. I may restart with $25 OR $33 when I return. 2) No multitabling in order to complete the challenge quicker - I am allowed to play tournaments on other sites if I so choose. 3)I can drop down levels as many times as you want or need to in the challenge in order to 'stay alive'. 4)No skipping levels. I must complete level 3 before starting on level 4. 5)No assitance from anyone or anything. I am NOT using any kind of HUD or tracker other than the cash games recorder. However I can ask for advice after a hand has been completed in Poker Strategy. I plan to post when and where I am playing, however if another PLer joins any table I am playing I will leave immediately. If I get 'hounded', I will stop posting when and where I am playing.

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge If you break the sheet, I will fix it for you! :lol One thing I would say is try and play at a site where you get rakeback. It may only be small amount to start with but soon adds up. :ok Best of luck mate. :hope

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge Good luck. :hope I'll bite my tongue about the bankroll management. :tongue2 Just one question: Suppose you get to, say, $200 (level 4) and join a $1/$2 table. And suppose you start off by losing $100 or so. Will you leave the table and drop down to level 3?

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge It depends, although most probably yes. :ok Thanks for the good wishes. :D "Just trying to build up the bottle to sit down at a table" would be an excellent reason why I'm not playing yet, although the truth is I'm tackling a devilish PS3 computer game. :$ :D

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge

Best of luck mate:ok. One thought that occurs to me in this challenge is that if you are sitting down with most of your bankroll on each table, would you not end up playing somewhat tighter than normal?
Best of luck with this :ok It's pretty much 1 x buy per level (100 x BB), double up and move up. It'll certainly be good for your game
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Re: My Cash Game Challenge

Hmmm I hate to be the prophet of doom
Liar! You love it! :lol
but you will go bust (several times) using this strategy. I think there are easier ways to lose your 'fear' of cash games.
I think Mr. V knows that he'll (almost certainly) go bust several times. As a money-making scheme, I agree, this sucks! But if he's prepared to throw away a few tenners to try to get some experience at playing a bit of cash poker at levels he wouldn't normally try, then I think it's pretty harmless.
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Re: My Cash Game Challenge

5)No assitance from anyone or anything. I am NOT using any kind of HUD or tracker other than the cash games recorder. However I can ask for advice after a hand has been completed in Poker Strategy.
Why ever not? PT is pretty much a must have for anyone wishing to take cash games seriously (I realise The Mole doesn't use it, but he's a freak :lol) I play the 0.10/0.25 cash on Boss most evenings, using Poker Tracker v2 & Game Time Plus. Whilst PT doesn't make decisions for me, it can sometimes influence them, especially with reference to how aggressive people are pre and post flop. If I was only ever playing one table at a time, I could probably work this out for myself (within reason). But if you're not paying 100% attention, its incredibly useful. I can't really see what you're gaining by not using it. Good luck with your challenge in any case :ok :hope
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Re: My Cash Game Challenge

One thing I would say is try and play at a site where you get rakeback.
If I have any success at all, I will.
would you not end up playing somewhat tighter than normal?
As far as I'm concerned I've already lost it so I'll just play my game. (Oh dear)
but you will go bust (several times) using this strategy.
I hope you're wrong but I don't mind if you're right.
I think there are easier ways to lose your 'fear' of cash games.
This is the first thing I've found to pique my interest and give me a definite goal. Some people get a true buzz out of cash games and maybe I can find that buzz through this challenge.
Why ever not? PT is pretty much a must have for anyone wishing to take cash games seriously (I realise The Mole doesn't use it, but he's a freak :lol)
I agree....he IS a freak. :lol However, I'm going into this as a novice. maybe when I have found my feet on my own, I will have a hankering for PT or maybe I'm a freak too. All I know is that I played this game better when I knew less, so I'm hoping that happens again (ie. I get lucky :D ;)).
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Re: My Cash Game Challenge Good luck with this Andy. been playing more cash games myself recently. been playing in Stars and doing ok at the moment. I find that Ill do very well followed by very bad. Just need to get rid of very bad and ill do ok.

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge

Welcome back. :ok (where've you been - did you do the whole journey by boat instead?)
After 10 days of your mellowing influence its taken me another 10 to return to my normal cynical self. Could'nt have me posting anything nice now could we.;)
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Re: My Cash Game Challenge

After 10 days of your mellowing influence its taken me another 10 to return to my normal cynical self. Could'nt have me posting anything nice now could we.;)
Sorry for taking the thread off track but it was a picture to behold Helen strutting round the Bellagio shops in her D&G glasses with Ed and Dunc struggling to keep up carrying all her shopping.
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Re: My Cash Game Challenge Yet again a word from the wasp and the thread is dead... Gl Andy although i dont think this is your best option as you will def take some bad beats that will cost your whole roll and it would be frustrating putting in all that hard work to go bust in the later levels.

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge I'll add my good wishes Mr.V, as a man trying to conquer the cash games myself I'll add my twopenneth worth. 1. PT is very useful if only to give you an idea of what range of hands these folks are likely to be playing. 2. Use Pokerstars and not Full Tilt for the Variants challenge, the antes on there are 50% of the Full Tilt ones and they don't take as much rake either Good Luck

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Re: My Cash Game Challenge

Yet again a word from the wasp and the thread is dead... Gl Andy although i dont think this is your best option as you will def take some bad beats that will cost your whole roll and it would be frustrating putting in all that hard work to go bust in the later levels.
Cheers Mole. It means a lot. :ok ;)
2. Use Pokerstars and not Full Tilt for the Variants challenge, the antes on there are 50% of the Full Tilt ones and they don't take as much rake either
I play on Pokerstars a hell of a lot and I view it as my current 'home', but its all tournament play. Apart from the odd freeroll I've never played on Full Tilt and figure this is the best way of keeping this separate from my normal poker routine. I will keep an eye on the rake situation and if it starts to impact a lot on any profit then I may have to move, but as far as I'm aware there is only stars and FT that have decent traffic for variant poker. This has been delayed obviously due to my weekend away, and it will probably be a couple of days before I get to start, but I promise I'm not chickening out of it. I know I haven't set a limit on how many attempts I'm going to make, but its very much a case of suck it and see.
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