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Golf Leaderboards - Web Query

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Hi All Can anyone suggest a good site with a Leaderboard that can be queried by Excel using the web query function. The leaderboard on the PGA site doesn't seem to allow Web Queries as I found out during the Scottish Open, I ended up having to us a site in South Africa. Many of the other sites which purport to have 'full leaderboards' only show the top 10 and 'selected others' If anyone can point me towards other sites with full leaderbooards, especially if they've managed to extract the data with web query I would be very grateful Regards Fletco

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Re: Golf Leaderboards - Web Query Hi Fletco! I am a bit of a Technophobe,but I would Imagine that the Excel function of a PC cannot accomodate this,I personally use PGATour for American and Europeantour for European Tours! Hope this helps! Good Luck!

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