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Big Online Tourney Help Sought


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Hi peeps, I have managed to qualify for the Boss €100k tournament tonight. With a buy-in of €130 it is gonna be by far the biggest tournament I have played, and I was wondering if those of you who have played these before can offer any tips. Obviously the standard will better than my usual €5-€15 STTs that I do well in, but will the standard be any better than our PL League games for instance? I guess what I am asking is, should I play my normal game or should I be scared? lol :$

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Re: Big Online Tourney Help Sought If you're going to play scared then you may as well cash in the entry for tourney credits. Treat it as a normal game, play your normal game and see where it takes you. :ok There will be some players there who may be better than you, but I bet there are more that are worse. Have fun and have no regrets. ;)

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Re: Big Online Tourney Help Sought play your normal game and you should be okay:ok forget about the buy in.you only spent x dollars to get in ,so thats your buy in;) the standard of play shouldn't be too much different from a pl game really but you will still get the odd muppet.

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Re: Big Online Tourney Help Sought I play tourneys with this kind of buy-in now and then, usually via a satellite. I'd say that you come across players every bit as bad as the muppets you see in a $10 game, just not so many of them. Bear in mind that quite a few of the players will have got in via a satellite, just like you. And I agree with everybody else: don't even think about the €120.

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Re: Big Online Tourney Help Sought

definately DONT play scared as valiant says you might as well not play if your scared just play your normal game and enjoy it best of luck let us know how you get on
From sitting in 37th with above average stack, to out in 139th in space of 3 hands :sad Idiotic call to double someone up with top pair, K kicker, after turn on rainbow board... was worried about Ace kicker... but they had managed to turn 2nd pair (which was a 3 :puke) No K on river and I was decimated. Went out 2 hands later with pocket 3s against pocket 9s trying to steal blinds and antes. On the plus side, I didn't particularly find the level of play anything special at all.
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Re: Big Online Tourney Help Sought If I hadn't have been big blind and seen a free flop I wouldnt have been in the hand!! And I call for 80% of my stack with only top pair. Sorry, I am reeling a bit with my stupidity so venting it here rather than kicking the hamster. We live and learn eh

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Re: Big Online Tourney Help Sought at least you now know that the play at this level doesn't differ so much really,the only thing is the players are happy losing $150 instead of $10;) phillosofy mentioned that the play in the WSOP ME really didn't seem too different from a pl game , i thought the $1500 game was pretty similar :ok just goes to show that anybody with a bit of experiance can do pretty well at a higher buy in, with a little bit of luck on their side;) as long as your not breaking good bankroll management on your initial buy in then go for it. although you didn't cash this time ,eventually you will and the rewards are far greater when you do:nana

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