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Challenge: Tournament Credits to Cash


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Re: Challenge: Tournament Credits to Cash Good luck with this mate, I still have the original credits same as you,from last years WSOP promo :lol:lol Have played one game and it was $100k qualifier I think, 1 seat and 2nd paid out in tourny credits, guess where I finished :lol:lol, I now have about $380 in credits. I need to start playing there more, lots of fish as well (must be if I managed 2nd from 40 odd :lol)

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Re: Challenge: Tournament Credits to Cash ------------------------------ Starting hand #1281235442 ------------------------------ NEW HAND Telepee posts the small blind 15.00 rze2top posts the big blind 30.00 DEALING POCKETS noras turn calls 30.00 Lobudget calls 30.00 BADA BING 20 calls 30.00 widowmaker13 raises 165.00 to 195.00 allout60 calls 195.00 Telepee calls 180.00 rze2top folds noras turn folds Lobudget folds BADA BING 20 folds DEALING FLOP (Js,8h,2c) Telepee checks widowmaker13 bets 705.00 allout60 folds Telepee raises 1,035.00 to 1,740.00 widowmaker13 goes all in 3,620.00 Telepee calls 2,585.00 widowmaker13 shows High Card, Ace DEALING TURN (9c) DEALING RIVER (Tc) Telepee shows Three of a Kind, Jacks widowmaker13 shows a Straight, Queen high Hand 1281235442: widowmaker13 wins main pot(9,355.00) with a Straight, Queen high 4 minutes left to the next level I had pocket Jacks, he had AsQs :loon Not quite a bad beat (I was only 95%) - but wow!!

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