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What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck


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Played a satellite this afternoon on William Hill, $3 buy-in to gain a seat to the $10kGTD at 4 oclock. 60 odd people started with the top 6 gaining access to the $27 dollar buy-in tourney. Play pretty well and my good hands hold up at the right time and manage to qualify for the tourney. 2500 chips, 15 min blind levels so plenty of time to wait for good hands. About 20 minutes in, after not really being in any notable hands i get a decent hand. Blinds are 15/30- i see KK, raise to 120 get two callers. Flop comes 9c Jc 7d The pots around 400, I'm first to act so i bet about half of that. Player 1 re-raises me just over double to around 450. A bit worried about trip 7's or 9's but pretty confident im ahead. Player 2 then goes all in for around 2650, we all have pretty much the same amount at this early stage. From what ive seen of player 2's play he isn't a good player and while I'm worried about trips he could make his move with a few hands that i have beat. With KK on this board I have to call and do. Player 1 also calls the all in. Cards are turned over Player 1- QQ - one of the hands i would have put him on and delighted im ahead. Player 2- J 10 o/s !! Couldn't believe it. How can he think that hand is good. Inevitably the turn is a 2 and just as im about to celebrate trebling up in a big tourney, the 10 comes on the river giving him 2 pair :puke I mean the Q would have been sickening but I could have handled that, you can see why he thought QQ was good on that board, but J 10 is beaten by so many hands especially when there was a raise pre-flop. AJ,KJ,QJ all legitimate hands we could have had or 77,99, QQ KK or AA. I know bad beats are a part of poker but that is just sickening, time and time again nemo moves get rewarded. The guy is sitting at just under 9,000 chips with a chance to do some damage from there and make the money while after slogging it out for over an hour in a satellite i get done on the river and get 0. Think I'll pack it in for a bit its just too frustrating and time consuming when a crap player can outdraw you at any time :sad

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck You know you were only about 54% when you called the all in? You'll win about half and lose about half.... Board: 9c Jc 7d Dead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 13.843% 13.84% 00.00% 125 0.00 { QcQd } Hand 1: 54.928% 54.93% 00.00% 496 0.00 { KhKs } Hand 2: 31.229% 31.23% 00.00% 282 0.00 { JsTd } In the short run (e.g. 1 game) there is relatively little skill in poker. The skill in poker comes from consistently achieving small edges which over time will mean a profit. The more time you measure results over, the more skillful you need to be to win....

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck Unlucky. However, while I'm not saying he played it well, it's very far from the worst I've seen. If you and the QQ had got all in on the flop and I'd known what you both had, then I'd have called with his hand. (I know that's not what happened, but I'm just making the point that he had pretty good odds.)

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

Unlucky. However, while I'm not saying he played it well, it's very far from the worst I've seen. If you and the QQ had got all in on the flop and I'd known what you both had, then I'd have called with his hand. (I know that's not what happened, but I'm just making the point that he had pretty good odds.)[/quote] He wasn't exactly sitting there calculating his odds though, he was an idiot who saw he had top pair and got a hard on and pressed all in.
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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck i would of been pretty wary of him holding 8 10s or o/s as it was early and not much to call preflop. i find a lot of players will play a lot of different hands early on. if you continue to get your chips in good,in the long run you will be successful as gaf has said you've been a bit unlucky there but i'm sure you'll be ok after a few hours break gl in your next game

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

He wasn't exactly sitting there calculating his odds though, he was an idiot who saw he had top pair and got a hard on and pressed all in.
Lol i love it. This should be quoted all around the globe. PL Poker catchphrase or something ;).
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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

Player 2- J 10 o/s !! Couldn't believe it. How can he think that hand is good.
He didnt think it was good but he thought both you and the other guy were weak and he used his "gut feeling" to make a massive squeeze play. Pokers all about gut feelings you know;)
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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

You have a lot to learn my son. You are not ready just ask the WASP;).
Uch I know these things happen but I was pi**ed off and wanted to air my discontent! Confident i'll get back to winning ways tomorrow on stt's ;) @glceud I raised pre-flop, i then bet into the pot, then the other guy re-raised me so I dunno where he sensed weakness from!
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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

@glceud I raised pre-flop, i then bet into the pot, then the other guy re-raised me so I dunno where he sensed weakness from!
Naw you made a weak contination bet with your A/K and the second guy minimum reraised you with his flush draw hoping to get a free card on the river. Prime time for a squeeze play with top pair and a gut shot straight.;)
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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck Ok you got unlucky but these things are 10 a penny in poker. It took me a while but i finally realised that you either suck up and take the shit or quit cus there just ain't no way of avoiding getting kicked in the balls regularly playing poker, it is actually an insane game although mostly skill based. If you want proper criticism post a winning hand :ok ;)

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

Naw you made a weak contination bet with your A/K and the second guy minimum reraised you with his flush draw hoping to get a free card on the river. Prime time for a squeeze play with top pair and a gut shot straight.;)
Maybe your right but the impression I got was he wasn't even thinking about what me and the other guy had and just liked the fact he had top pair. Also his comments after the hand would suggest that. C'est la vie ;)
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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

Ok you got unlucky but these things are 10 a penny in poker. It took me a while but i finally realised that you either suck up and take the shit or quit cus there just ain't no way of avoiding getting kicked in the balls regularly playing poker, it is actually an insane game although mostly skill based. If you want proper criticism post a winning hand :ok ;)
:ok What do you guys regularly play? Wouldn't mind playing a PL focus game or something for a bit of fun. Yeah your right, think i was extra peed off cos I'd played a satellite to get into the thing but you need to have the temperament to take getting outdrawn on the turn/river.
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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck I actually dont think the guy was there calculating his odds... BUT A decent player in a middle stage of a tourney would see this flop and with the top pair and the gutshot draw on a three way pot would see a decent spot with pretty good odds (of course... a lot of a gambler soul too) And youre right of course.. nemo always get the luck cause the sharks wont need it, they always know what theyre doing and they always can pick the good spots for their chips.

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck IMO, your raise pre flop was way to small. If I play against PL guys thats fine, but not against the sea of fish. And I never slow play AA, KK, and QQ on the first two levels. My raise is usually between 200-300 (depending on position and how many entered the pot already. Id rather take 100, than lose whole stack to ponce with J10o.

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

IMO, your raise pre flop was way to small. If I play against PL guys thats fine, but not against the sea of fish. And I never slow play AA, KK, and QQ on the first two levels. My raise is usually between 200-300 (depending on position and how many entered the pot already. Id rather take 100, than lose whole stack to ponce with J10o.
I was thinking about this and agree, often I do the same but I'd previously raised with AA and no-one had called. But your right theres no respect for raises in the early stages so need to make it 7/8 times the bb.
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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

:ok What do you guys regularly play? Wouldn't mind playing a PL focus game or something for a bit of fun.
Hi Marty - if you look for the daily thread in the Poker Tourneys stickies you'll see which tournaments are on each day and which the focus game is. You're welcome to join in any of the leagues we're running. :ok
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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

Hi Marty - if you look for the daily thread in the Poker Tourneys stickies you'll see which tournaments are on each day and which the focus game is. You're welcome to join in any of the leagues we're running. :ok
Cheers :ok Yeah I have a look occasionally but often the games are on sites I don't have an account with like tonight with PokerKings or you need poker points to participate in it. Will be playing the WilliamHill freeroll tonight if i can find anywhere that sells PokerPlayer magazine so hopefully see a few people from the PL at the tables! :cheers
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck Thats my last 2 STT's now which my Aces have been beaten by KJ in the first tourney which meant I bubbled. Then in the second tourney some nemo who have been raising every hand pushed on my bb of 600 with 56, i called and the flop comes 3 4 7, really is sick sometimes. Managed to re-group to come 2nd. In the heads up it was my bb and the other guy wasnt aggressive at all and didn't raise me once. So he flat called into my bb and I held 8 5 so when the flop comes q q 5 i think im good and shove only to run into aces :eek Showing some good profit but still infuriating when your aces don't hold up at two crucial points.

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck Keep saying to yourself "it's only a pair" and play more H/U and you'll realise the importance of seeing flops especially in tournaments where you reallly need to outplay opponents and get lucky.

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck Marty, I know its annoying, but you can't let yourself get too worked up when your Aces get cracked... that road only leads to Tiltland :( Playing STT's means you're often going to end up all-in late on. When your big hands get cracked by 'idiot' hands, you've just got to be able to suck it up and register for another game. I don't mean to sound condescending, but I think avoiding tilt is one of the most important skills a poker player can learn. My secret for dealing with these situations is to spend a minute or two wiggling my feet and wobbling my head from side to side, whilst saying "Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala" in a fairly high pitched tone (I naturally have quite a deep voice). I soon start feeling silly and that normally lightens my mood. Not sure how this would go over in a live game, but for internet games its a winner :ok :$:$:$:$:$:$

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Re: What is the point! The nemo's always get the luck

My secret for dealing with these situations is to spend a minute or two wiggling my feet and wobbling my head from side to side' date=' whilst saying "Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala" in a fairly high pitched tone [/quote'] I thought I was the only one who did that! :$
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