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a decent multi-funtional poker spreadsheet


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Re: a decent multi-funtional poker spreadsheet Really strange - the file for me downloads as StatsBlank.zip (but I can see the link is StatsBlank.xlsx) - I have renamed it as StatsBlank.xlsx and it now seems to work fine.... Cheers Al :ok f_alexscottm_3d42667.jpg

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Re: a decent multi-funtional poker spreadsheet

:unsure the only thing missing that i can see is a page where you can put all your poker sites and balances in,
This should be what you were after then (I've made some small changes to the original) EDIT - Cannot get the attachment to upload - will try later....
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Re: a decent multi-funtional poker spreadsheet It should already do that :unsure If you put something in Cash adjustment then the "Site Bankroll" in Bankroll should change :unsure The cash adjustments should not impact anything on overall stats though should they? :unsure

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Re: a decent multi-funtional poker spreadsheet The "Site Bankroll" is definitely updating automatically for me :unsure You're right - I forgot to change the "Site" bankroll in "Overall Stats" Pretty straightforward though - for example, cell J22 in "Overall Stats" change to "=Bankroll!L18" and then copy that down :ok I'll upload a new version in the next few mins....

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