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Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability


Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability  

  1. 1.

    • Qtr final Leg 1 - Wed 2nd July - Yes
    • Qtr final Leg 1 - Wed 2nd July - No
    • Qtr final Leg 2 - Sun 6th July - Yes
    • Qtr final Leg 2 - Sun 6th July - No
    • Semi final Leg 1 - Wed 9th July - Yes
    • Semi final Leg 1 - Wed 9th July - No
    • Semi final Leg 2 - Sun 13th July - Yes
    • Semi final Leg 2 - Sun 13th July - No

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability if you go to BikeRadar under your id - then it should show Semi-finals as "suggested" - go into there and there should be a register button - you need to press that (don't bother with the ticky box next to it) .... then (sometime soon) there should appear an option to register the team as a whole which me or gaf (or reeshah?) can do.

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Right guys - team regged (runadrum and Paul obviously unavailable for the semi's - but should be around for the finals. Should be much the same team for Sundays game with me ;) in place of reeshah. Not sure how many get through of the (upto) 25 teams that can reg for semifinals (10?). If it is 10 then depending on what the points format is we need similar results to our quarter finals .... gl guys. Currently on dinner break from my WSOP day2 - started with 15K chips - now on 35K chips - 2 more 2 hour sessions today (blinds 500/1000 with 200 ante I think, followed by 600/1200 with 300 ante (?) ). If I can last out today then I may have a chance at some money by late day 3 (thursday). :ok :beer

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Ah well ... good attempts - you never know scoring system (which I haven't seen yet) may help us out, but I suspect a couple of 5th or better places on Sunday may be required. :hope

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Team is in - any problems get back to me,gaf or slapdash and it can be changed. The final hurdles guys .... lets see if we can make it to the run-in and the prizemoney (what prizemoney :rollin).

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Good try guys - just arrived back and first time I've seen result. At least it stops me having to go and see if the team has reg'd etc. I'm off for a kip - zombified after flight :zzz:zzz:zzz

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability I received $109.91, if the amounts are all similar I don't see much point in shifting small amounts of money about. We should be getting another $50 or so from the Champions League after it finishes tomorrow.

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Whoopie some money at last :cow:cow I received $110.26 and think the average is $112.50 - I'm not too worried about redistributing to gain $2.24. Gaf, I think has received the most so if everyone puts their amount up then we'll sort it out .... for people only a couple of dollars away from average then I'd suggest we not bother, if its more than that then people might have to redistribute the odd $10. Thankfully for Champs league I believe they will distribute it equally, the only problem we then have is rewarding Slapdah (who played under my id for a few games) - at the moment myself, gaf and runadrum have decided to split with Slapdash .... so somehow we'll each bung him a massive $12.50 or so (4*37.50 =150) unless anyone else wants to contribute. I'm happy to continue playing in these eSport games (which may at some point switch to a pay-to-play mechanism) even though the eSport management has IMHO been a bit of a shambles. Some of you I suspect k may well feel its not worth the effort of continuing ... what I suggest is that when the next "Suggested event" comes through we take a vote and see how many want to continue - if theres enough of us fine if not then we can sort the options of people dropping out and finding new people or possibly amalgamtion of various PL teams (as I think other teams may well be having similar discussions). So get your amounts received up and we'll sort out who owes who how much :ok - any opinions on the continuance also welcome

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability $121.66 :eek Phill count me in for splitting with slapdash whatever it works out at ;) As for continuing i think we should the rewards for top two in uk league are well worth it imo and if you get a good run into the finals aswell. Afterall at the moment its free and good to play in a team event. Well played all and lets hope to go further next time :ok

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability $105.28 for me I was a regular Sunday player but missed most Weds nights so it sounds about right (If anybody can work out the method used ???) p.s No problems splitting the CL money - will leave the maths to you ;) Can't see any problems in continuing to play in any future events as i assume the problems we had with the sit-outs / e-sport communication should improve second time around and as MD says its free at the moment :hope

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability At the moment it all looks like a wash to me with no one too bothered about the small amounts to be redistributed for the first set of games. Will give it up to next Monday for anyone to disagree and redistribute (somehow) the odd $5 to $10. I'm wondering whether the team wallet is a way to do redistributions - but am not sure if its a one way process (i.e. you can only shove money in).

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Re: Poll: BikeRadar: Champs Lg - qtr finals/semifinals availability Having had no requests that we bother trying to redistribute the small amounts involved in the differences between payouts then I'm declaring it a wash. The receiver of the smallest amounts (I think) ain't bovvered (if they are PM me and I'll send you some money), and the receiver of the largest amount (gaf) made an extra $17.50 or so and I (for one) am totally happy with him having a few drinks on us in his current sabbatical. We'll revisit it all when the $50 or so arrive for the champs league - as I need to dole out some money to slapdash. Suspect that will be a while away. I'll PM you all when there is some news.

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