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Hornet's Strategy Questions. Part 8


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I am in the Daily $15K on Stars, have done little of note (bar river someone to get double up:lol). It pays to 324, there are about 335 left and this happens...... PokerStars Game #18266394180: Tournament #92043956, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (400/800) - 2008/06/20 - 15:54:17 (ET) Table '92043956 30' 9-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: msotown (13029 in chips) Seat 2: geelincoln (12963 in chips) Seat 3: JFS1986 (14592 in chips) Seat 4: podhhe (11970 in chips) Seat 5: Fury1959 (9619 in chips) Seat 6: TooMK (2218 in chips) Seat 7: Oid1 (5435 in chips) Seat 8: happyhornet (6570 in chips) Seat 9: Daggi_501 (17758 in chips) msotown: posts the ante 75 geelincoln: posts the ante 75 JFS1986: posts the ante 75 podhhe: posts the ante 75 Fury1959: posts the ante 75 TooMK: posts the ante 75 Oid1: posts the ante 75 happyhornet: posts the ante 75 Daggi_501: posts the ante 75 podhhe: posts small blind 400 Fury1959: posts big blind 800 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to happyhornet [Kc As] TooMK: raises 1343 to 2143 and is all-in Oid1: folds happyhornet: raises 4352 to 6495 and is all-in Daggi_501: folds msotown: folds geelincoln: folds JFS1986: calls 6495 podhhe: folds Fury1959: folds *** FLOP *** [Qd 8s 9d] Daggi_501 said, "7 players for the money" *** TURN *** [Qd 8s 9d] [8d] *** RIVER *** [Qd 8s 9d 8d] [Js] *** SHOW DOWN *** happyhornet: shows [Kc As] (a pair of Eights) JFS1986: shows [Ah Ac] (two pair, Aces and Eights) JFS1986 collected 8704 from side pot TooMK: shows [7c 6c] (a pair of Eights) happyhornet said, "nh" JFS1986 collected 8304 from main pot BlunderCity is connected *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 17008 Main pot 8304. Side pot 8704. | Rake 0 Board [Qd 8s 9d 8d Js] Seat 1: msotown folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: geelincoln folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: JFS1986 (button) showed [Ah Ac] and won (17008) with two pair, Aces and Eights Seat 4: podhhe (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 5: Fury1959 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: TooMK showed [7c 6c] and lost with a pair of Eights Seat 7: Oid1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: happyhornet showed [Kc As] and lost with a pair of Eights Seat 9: Daggi_501 folded before Flop (didn't bet) The big question...was I right to get involved? I was about 70 or so inside the pay zone before this hand, and the bubble blew 2 minutes after this hand. I could fold into the money easily, cos i'm probably not going to win it!! Or was I correct to go for it? When I was knocked out, i was annoyed with myself for not folding into the money from my susceptible position. Thoughts guys? Steve

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Questions. Part 8 How much did 324th pay? How much did first pay? I'm pretty sure that I think you were right to raise like that and isolate the short stack all in - you dont want to encourage action from others. You have less than 10xBB - it's a no brainer for me....

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Questions. Part 8 If it was a decent amount of money you may consider folding but If you thought that you'd probably fold KK in the same situation and even AA. It's unlikely that you'll ever win a tournament without having to race someone I know I never have.

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Questions. Part 8 yes i agree with the others. you were right to isolate short stack all in and were just unlucky to find aa behind you. i know how you feel when you say you get annoyed with yourself because you could of easily cashed,but your looking to try and win the tournament.

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