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**Poker Sunday 15th June**


**Poker Sunday 15th June**  

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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June**

Just been trying to work out if there are any "names" with slapdash or Gazblades - cannot see anything with slapdash' date=' but I think with Gazblades, ayaz is Ayaz Mahmood
Pah, he's rubbish. He only came 37th last year! :lol Best knock him out then hadn't I!
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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June**

Good luck! I'm rubbish at multitabling' date=' so I don't envy you. How about you take that one and I'll take this?[/quote'] I prefer the I take that one, we both take this one option. ;)
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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June** 6460 chips at the first break (average is 5638 from a starting 5000). I'm quite pleased with how I've played so far (if that isn't tempting fate too much). I decided before it started that I'd be outclassed but I wouldn't let myself get pushed around, and I've won quite a few pots by being aggressive without being sure I had the better hand.

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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June**

6460 chips at the first break (average is 5638 from a starting 5000). I'm quite pleased with how I've played so far (if that isn't tempting fate too much). I decided before it started that I'd be outclassed but I wouldn't let myself get pushed around, and I've won quite a few pots by being aggressive without being sure I had the better hand.
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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June**

Was I an idiot? PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t100 (9 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver) SB (t2485) BB (t3220) UTG (t9225) UTG+1 (t4495) MP1 (t5755) MP2 (t3660) Hero (t6310) CO (t4365) Button (t11285) Preflop: Hero is MP3 with 9heart.gif, 9diamond.gif. 4 folds, Hero raises to t300, 1 fold, Button calls t300, SB calls t250, 1 fold. Flop: (t1000) Jclub.gif, 9club.gif, Tdiamond.gif (3 players) SB checks, Hero bets t900, Button raises to t3200, SB folds, Hero raises to t6010, Button calls t2810. Turn: (t13020) 5spade.gif (2 players) River: (t13020) Qspade.gif (2 players) Final Pot: t13020 Results in white below: Hero has 9h 9d (three of a kind, nines). Button has Kd Qd (straight, king high). Outcome: Button wins t13020.
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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June**

:sad I didn't see it - what happened?
Just as slap said :sad Were you an idiot? Not in my eyes. I definitely didn't have him on JJ or 1010, so you were only behind to a made straight or 2 higher clubs (I think), and I would have expected him to have re-raised pre-flop with the latter. As I said before, he had been aggressive, and not always with cards, so I thought it was a fair shove. However, hindsight is always 20/20, so you're bound to now think you should have see it. Even then, you still had outs. Good luck Gaz.
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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June** ul slap :sad You weren't dead in the water though - even if you thought there was a good chance he had QK (50% maximum?) you were 35% to hit FH or quads - no way you can get away from it IMO......

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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June** Unlucky Slapdash. :( I'm out of Poker Utd in 21st. Short stacked and went all in with AJ suited, got called by AA. Got $535 back for it, and I've decided to use it to enter the Full Tilt 150 seat guaranteed tourney starting now. :hope

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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June**

Were you an idiot? Not in my eyes. I definitely didn't have him on JJ or 1010, so you were only behind to a made straight or 2 higher clubs (I think), and I would have expected him to have re-raised pre-flop with the latter. As I said before, he had been aggressive, and not always with cards, so I thought it was a fair shove. However, hindsight is always 20/20, so you're bound to now think you should have see it. Even then, you still had outs.
ul slap :sad You weren't dead in the water though - even if you thought there was a good chance he had QK (50% maximum?) you were 35% to hit FH or quads - no way you can get away from it IMO......
Thanks guys. Feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment. I don't think I've ever been so gutted by the result of a poker hand. The fact that I thought I'd been playing well until then makes it worse. In a way I'd feel better if somebody could convince me I'd played it badly (WASP? :D) Anyway, enough self-pity ... GOOOOOOOOOOOOO! GAZZZZZZZZZZ! :nana:nana:nana
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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June**

Thanks guys. Feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment. I don't think I've ever been so gutted by the result of a poker hand. The fact that I thought I'd been playing well until then makes it worse. In a way I'd feel better if somebody could convince me I'd played it badly (WASP? :D)
I think I'd have been very suspicious, and probably thought he had it. But I doubt I would have folded. In fact I know I wouldn't.
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Re: **Poker Sunday 15th June**

Good luck Gaz in both your games :hope I'm currently 30th out of 74 left in Mansion 20 seat GTD, could have been better but for everyone folding to my standard raises with AA two hands in a row :\
GL Washy :hope
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