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**Poker Saturday 14th June**


**Poker Saturday 14th June**  

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Re: **Poker Saturday 14th June** well i have had a really crap night. got outdrawn badly on 3 stars 200 seat sats when im hu(2 runner runers and 1 ak vs a3) then in the btb i hold ak diamonds in early position. after some raising pre flop we all put in 500. flop comes 9d 10d jd woohoo nut flush. i check ak1979 checks other guy goes all in ,i call ,so does ak. i think woohoo :cow:cow:cow i just think dont pair the board and ive won . turn comes blank. then the river comes 8d.i think phew,then i notice the money sliding towards ak who had the qd:puke so i'm giving up for tonight:sadstart again on the stars sats tommorrow

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