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Mak's Hand Discuss!!!!

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Just going to post some HH's... mainly from 0.5/1 6 handed cash games... hopeful to learn from the wealth of knowledge here... I ASSURE YOU I NEED IT....:lol:lol:lol:lol Starts here.... and this hand really screamed I NEED HELP... ***** Hand History for Game 7126655527 ***** $100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, June 08, 16:47:31 ET 2008 Table Table 150553 (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Total number of players : 6 Seat 1: eebiza ( $109.58 USD ) Seat 3: ritterband ( $54.62 USD ) Seat 4: VitaminPro ( $154.56 USD ) Seat 6: Rutenrentner ( $164.41 USD ) Seat 5: MadeStronger ( $86.03 USD ) Seat 2: OMG_I_FLOP ( $102.50 USD ) VitaminPro posts small blind [$0.50 USD]. MadeStronger posts big blind [$1 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to MadeStronger [ As Ah ] Rutenrentner folds eebiza calls [$1 USD] OMG_I_FLOP raises [$4.50 USD] ritterband folds VitaminPro folds MadeStronger calls [$3.50 USD] eebiza calls [$3.50 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Ad, 3c, 6c ] MadeStronger checks eebiza bets [$4 USD] OMG_I_FLOP raises [$12 USD] MadeStronger calls [$12 USD] eebiza calls [$8 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ] >You have options at $18K Gtd (1442146) Table #24 Table!. MadeStronger checks eebiza checks OMG_I_FLOP bets [$32 USD] MadeStronger is all-In [$69.53 USD] eebiza folds OMG_I_FLOP calls [$37.53 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ 8s ] OMG_I_FLOP shows [ Tc, Kc ]a flush, King high. MadeStronger doesn't show [ As, Ah ]three of a kind, Aces. OMG_I_FLOP wins $186.06 USD from the main pot with a flush, King high.

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! With the hand above I realise I didn't play it the best however keep in mind that I had been at this table for 20 min and the $4 bet on the flop signaled to me that eebiza didn't have the flush draw... and while pushing on the flop seems the best move in hindsight I felt that once the pot was reraised I was virtually safe from flush.... how I was wrong...:ok Edit: Morls... I realied after I posted that I went wrong place... thanks again...

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! i would have been reraising heavily on the flop . you have the nuts at the moment but with the flush draw and bet raise in front i think you need to reraise to around 30ish to get rid of draws. you may have ended up in the same position if the money went in on the flop, but you should always make them pay for their draw:ok

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! One that left me wondering WTF happened... ***** Hand History for Game 7126726524 ***** $100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, June 08, 17:12:36 ET 2008 Table Table 150553 (Real Money) Seat 2 is the button Total number of players : 6 Seat 1: eebiza ( $73.02 USD ) Seat 3: ritterband ( $98.36 USD ) Seat 4: VitaminPro ( $147.94 USD ) Seat 5: MadeStronger ( $62.94 USD ) Seat 2: OMG_I_FLOP ( $185.53 USD ) Seat 6: mekkas ( $100 USD ) ritterband posts small blind [$0.50 USD]. VitaminPro posts big blind [$1 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to MadeStronger [ Jd Jh ] >You have options at $18K Gtd (1442146) Table #17 Table!. MadeStronger raises [$4 USD] mekkas folds eebiza calls [$4 USD] OMG_I_FLOP folds ritterband folds VitaminPro folds ** Dealing Flop ** [ 7c, 5d, 5s ] MadeStronger checks eebiza bets [$3 USD] >You have options at $18K Gtd (1442146) Table #17 Table!. MadeStronger raises [$15 USD] eebiza calls [$12 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 3d ] MadeStronger bets [$10 USD] eebiza calls [$10 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ Jc ] >You have options at $18K Gtd (1442146) Table #17 Table!. MadeStronger is all-In [$33.94 USD] eebiza folds MadeStronger does not show cards. MadeStronger wins $90.47 USD

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! I've played a fair amount on this level 6handed and the play is loose, you've got to consider everything at all times. I really like OMGIFLOP's play in this hand as he represents a hand pre flop, reprsents a big A post flop and so there aren't many possible hands that can call him, plus the fact the bet out on the flop looks weak. By reraising he has a chance to win the pot there in the face of little strength but also has outs to the flush. In your position i would have strongly considered Ac Xc and re-raised. Even not considering this hand, Harrington says build big pots when you know you're ahead and with the draw there, 2 others looking interested in the hand raising this up to $30 + at least is the standard play imo. Pre flop - I'll very occasionally call in late position depending on how weak the other players in the hand are. But in EP especially in the blinds i'll play big hands uber aggressive pre flop as you're out of position for the rest of the hand and position is key short handed. So you raise the pot to $12 and they fold. Good stuff. I hate playing big pots with just 1 pair, but have actually one an awful lot with just AA because of isolating people pre flop with big raises. post flop - if they call a $30 bet and hit their flush then more fool them. Another thing that Harrington points out is if you bet the pot with huge hands on the flop/turn and an opponent calls then you can put another pot bet in on turn/river which will either put you or your opponent all in, and the bet won't look abnormally large so it works a treat/

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!!

One that left me wondering WTF happened... ***** Hand History for Game 7126726524 ***** $100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, June 08, 17:12:36 ET 2008 Table Table 150553 (Real Money) Seat 2 is the button Total number of players : 6 Seat 1: eebiza ( $73.02 USD ) Seat 3: ritterband ( $98.36 USD ) Seat 4: VitaminPro ( $147.94 USD ) Seat 5: MadeStronger ( $62.94 USD ) Seat 2: OMG_I_FLOP ( $185.53 USD ) Seat 6: mekkas ( $100 USD ) ritterband posts small blind [$0.50 USD]. VitaminPro posts big blind [$1 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to MadeStronger [ Jd Jh ] >You have options at $18K Gtd (1442146) Table #17 Table!. MadeStronger raises [$4 USD] mekkas folds eebiza calls [$4 USD] OMG_I_FLOP folds ritterband folds VitaminPro folds ** Dealing Flop ** [ 7c, 5d, 5s ] MadeStronger checks eebiza bets [$3 USD] >You have options at $18K Gtd (1442146) Table #17 Table!. MadeStronger raises [$15 USD] eebiza calls [$12 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 3d ] MadeStronger bets [$10 USD] eebiza calls [$10 USD] ** Dealing River ** [ Jc ] >You have options at $18K Gtd (1442146) Table #17 Table!. MadeStronger is all-In [$33.94 USD] eebiza folds MadeStronger does not show cards. MadeStronger wins $90.47 USD
my guess is he had a7 or a mid pp,cant see what else he could have:unsure maybe you should have bet a little more on the turn ,it doesnt look like he would have a five or a bigger overpair than you so a better value bet here might force a call for less on the river. if you bet £15-$20 on the turn, its still only half pot so i guess he would still call:unsure then at least the river bet will be better value for him to call.
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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!!

my guess is he had a7 or a mid pp,cant see what else he could have:unsure maybe you should have bet a little more on the turn ,it doesnt look like he would have a five or a bigger overpair than you so a better value bet here might force a call for less on the river. if you bet £15-$20 on the turn, its still only half pot so i guess he would still call:unsure then at least the river bet will be better value for him to call.
Yeah I can see that working better... normally 10 would not be my bet there... I kind of wanted things not 2 add up (I had the image of an uber monkey at this point)... was looking for an overbet/push from him... however what you suggests makes sense... thanks...:ok
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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!!

Yeah I can see that working better... normally 10 would not be my bet there... I kind of wanted things not 2 add up (I had the image of an uber monkey at this point)... was looking for an overbet/push from him... however what you suggests makes sense... thanks...:ok
to be honest his bets dont add up either:ok if he did have a 7 why call all the way to the river, then throw because of a j:unsure it seems like he should have folded on the flop but got a bit excited,either that or he was mad enough to call 2 raises with 6 8 on a draw.
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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! Guy in the second hand likely had a draw, say with 6,8s. Those kind of small flop bets always i find are drawing bets.. If he had A7 then he sucks so bad. Why bet so small on that flop with A7? Obviously didn't find out where he was as called a big re-raise, and called on turn then folded when overcard came on the river. Bigger bet on flop say $8, gets re-raised easy fold - lost $8, his method, no idea where he was lost $25. What Uber says relates in with Harrington's theory that bigger bets on flop/turn will more often put you or your opponent committed to going all in on later streets which is what you want with a big hand :ok

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! I have a few things to say about the first hand where practically slowplay aces from the blinds. Are these people going to immediately figure you for a big hand ie. AK, KK, AA, QQ - if you three bet from the blinds?? If so then maybe you need to balance your 3 betting range a little to ensure you are getting paid when you hit big hands. If they wont (ie you do occasionally 3 bet with non-monsters preflop) then pump it up to 14ish preflop and take it from there. In this case it is likely that they both fold and you take down a smallish pot. As played though, on the flop im not sure calling is the best idea but too many people immediately put someone on a flush draw when one hits on the flop, what happens to all the other possible combos!??! I dont think calling is terrible and then see how a club on the turn affects villains play. re-popping is possibly preferable but it has a massive downside to it. You have pretty much killed action from any hand that you are beating (AK, AQ ulikely, KK, QQ, something rediculous like 34). Im not sure betting to protect your hand everytime you hit a monster is always right in NL. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, next time it might be better if you leave the result (villains hand and who won) out of the equation because i think it will generally have a big bearing on what people reply with.

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! Ok so I put this guy on flat bluff after his $16 bet... I had made 1 or 2 minor plays within 20-30min...should I have fired on river (I figured he had SOMETHING).... wtf happened!!!! ***** Hand History for Game 7131664492 ***** 0.50/1 Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) - Tue Jun 10 15:49:11 EDT 2008 Table Table 152341 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button Total number of players : 6 Seat 1: mpcooke3 ( $134.47) Seat 2: PojkenMedTur ( $140.70) Seat 3: MadeStronger ( $198.37) Seat 4: Krok7 ( $100) Seat 5: kafka_01 ( $136.27) Seat 6: egon04 ( $20) mpcooke3 posts small blind (0.50) PojkenMedTur posts big blind (1) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to MadeStronger [ 8h, 7c ] MadeStronger raises (4) to 4 Krok7 folds kafka_01 folds mpcooke3 calls (3.50) PojkenMedTur folds ** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Th, 6s ] mpcooke3 checks MadeStronger bets (6) mpcooke3 calls (6) ** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3h ] mpcooke3 bets (16) MadeStronger raises (45) to 45 mpcooke3 calls (29) ** Dealing River ** : [ Ks ] mpcooke3 checks MadeStronger checks ** Summary ** Main Pot: $109 | Rake: $2 Board: [ 2s Th 6s 3h Ks ] mpcooke3 balance $188.47, bet $55, collected $109, net +$54 [ Ah 5h ] [ high card Ace -- Ah,Ks,Th,6s,5h ] PojkenMedTur balance $139.70, lost $1 (folded) MadeStronger balance $143.37, lost $55 [ 8h 7c ] [ high card King -- Ks,Th,8h,7c,6s ] Krok7 balance $100, didn't bet (folded) kafka_01 balance $136.27, didn't bet (folded) tonyjedrek balance $100, sits out

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! What happened is you fired a bluff on a blank card. I used to do this often and think why the F do i get called down etc. then realised i was firing bluffs at cards which aren't scary in the situation and/or my bets didn't make sense with having a big hand. Don't blame the guy for calling, he had nut flush. straight draws and also felt his Ace high might be good. It's a large bet to call so i think you did all you could on the turn to win it but 6 handed is all about representing a lot bigger hand then you have and that 3 is just not a good bluffing card imo. River - If it came Kd it's a great card to bluff at but Ks completes a flush draw. The thing is if you put him for complete air on the turn (and you say this was the case hence the bet) then the K is very unlikely to have hit him and what cards can he call a bet which puts him all in with?

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! What do you reckon Mak? Can you see the different PoV as to why the hand might have played out like it did. ... do you agree/ disagree etc. Good to have some 6handed .50/1 discussion on here :ok

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!!

What do you reckon Mak? Can you see the different PoV as to why the hand might have played out like it did. ... do you agree/ disagree etc. Good to have some 6handed .50/1 discussion on here :ok
Yeah definitely agree here... I was curious... does it not look like i may have top pair here then when the turn blank comes I am confident to bet... that is the way I tried to play it... perhaps there is an amount you feel would be better on the flop to portray this?
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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! Looking at it again i can only assume the guy saw you as a LAG opponent who puts in a lot of continuation bets so didn't think you could have had a T but now i think his calls are ludicrous. If he puts you on air then he might as well go all in on the turn, but he didn't so it seems he was just chasing a flush. Overall i think you played it well and your bets did represent a big hand, at least top pair. Think in the end this hand comes down to how you see your opponent (are they loose, calling station or tight etc. ) and how your opponent sees you - do you make a lot of continuation bets, over bets etc. If you had a loose image then you played it bad, if you're tight they played real bad and need to be marked a fishy imo.

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! Thanks for the interest Nade and I would have loved to start a dialogue concerning .5/1 6 handed games... they are interesting... but I have lost all passion for poker again after just 3 weeks... mind you i have been winning generally (that is I am still well up from when I started) but yet again I just find myself loathing almost every element of the game (at least I kind of feel that way)... i still don't mind live play... it is definitely a different game and less of a grind/ hassle however I will only be playing one more session in an attempt to rekindle enthusiasm... it was all started by this moron claiming that party poker is rigged (Insert racial comment here)... he went on a high horse and this went on for 10 minutes he then moved on to personal insults... the shitty thing was I couldn't knock that fuckers nose through the back of his skull... anyway I work at a casino and this brought up all those feelings of gamblers pissing and moaning when they know they are statistically inclined to lose often (albeit perhaps greater than they actually realise)... botttom line is when poker starts to feel like work... its time to quit poker...I am done ranting (I needed it)... on to the final session and see what comes of it... PEACE... on the plus side if I quit poker again I will be more involved in sports side of it (which i love) and that can only benefit everyone as I have been in top form... not to brag or anything...:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! Been there a few times where it just felt like a grind when i played full ring but the hand i posted in classy plays - trapping, sums up why i do love to play the game. There are just so many intricacies to the game as shown in that hand but particularly 6handed in general so it doesn't really become too much of a grind, but does drain the energy. Not sure if there's any remedy to rekindling enthusiasm but definitely best to not play if you're not feeling it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Mak's Hand Discuss!!!! This is from a $22 Sng (what I am playing these days)... ***** Hand History for Game 7174971703 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $22 USD Buy-in Trny: 40802585 Level: 1 Blinds(20/40) - Friday, June 27, 16:17:05 ET 2008 Table Table 134178 (Real Money) Seat 5 is the button Total number of players : 10 Seat 5: MadeStronger ( 2,060 ) Seat 1: padre72 ( 2,020 ) Seat 10: hasard11 ( 2,500 ) Seat 6: Suulu ( 1,920 ) Seat 7: fatts2 ( 2,000 ) Seat 4: dudyman65 ( 1,750 ) Seat 3: stellaman112 ( 1,660 ) Seat 8: legster ( 2,000 ) Seat 9: phc524chp ( 2,190 ) Seat 2: Superhype17 ( 1,900 ) Trny: 40802585 Level: 1 Blinds(20/40) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to MadeStronger [ Jc Ah ] legster folds phc524chp folds hasard11 raises [80] padre72 calls [80] Superhype17 calls [80] stellaman112 folds dudyman65 folds MadeStronger calls [80] Suulu folds fatts2 calls [40] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Js, 8h, 9d ] fatts2 checks hasard11 checks padre72 checks Superhype17 bets [280] MadeStronger calls [280] fatts2 folds hasard11 folds padre72 folds ** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ] Superhype17 bets [320] MadeStronger calls [320] ** Dealing River ** [ Th ] Superhype17 bets [440] MadeStronger: hit i think u had J10 MadeStronger calls [440] Superhype17 shows [ Qh, Qc ]a straight Eight to Queen. MadeStronger doesn't show [ Jc, Ah ]a pair of Jacks. Superhype17 wins 2,500 chips from the main pot with a straight, Eight to Queen. Not sure whether I am correct here (probably not)... but in my eyes his play is one of an absolute fool!!! Edit: I just realised that it was raised preflop... i thought 80 was the bb (bad mistake)... I fold if I had known that... arg I should have been paying more attention...

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