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WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) runner-up


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Searchin the live updates and saw James' name and knew i recognised him....he was 3rd in the Newcastle GUKPT and was being railed by Praz Bansi, they are part of the same poker team. jamesakenheadbr0.jpg Table 14: Seat 1: Josh Engerdahl (Abbotsford, BC) 930,000 Seat 2: Melvin Jones (Chicago, IL) 660,000 Seat 3: Mike Ngo (New Orleans, LA) 544,000 Seat 4: Grant Hinkle (Kansas City, KA) 281,000 Seat 5: Perry Friedman (Las Vegas, NV) 653,000 Seat 6: Joe Rutledge (Pasadena, TX) 486,000 Seat 7: Chris Ferguson (Pacific Palisades, CA) 444,000 Seat 8: David Bach (Athens, GA) 168,000 Seat 9: Frank Sinopoli (Hollywood, CA) 165,000 Table 15: Seat 1: Eric Hicks (San Francisco, CA) 703,000 Seat 2: James Akenhead (London, UK) 1,039,000 Seat 3: Matthew Kearney 1,024,000 Seat 4: Jeff Wiedenhoeft (Whitewater, WI) 482,000 Seat 5: Minh Nguyen (Lake Elsinore, CA) 600,000 Seat 6: Theo Tran (Las Vegas, NV) 1,199,000 Seat 7: Brandon Blake (Palmer, AK) 514,000 Seat 8: Elia Ahmadian (Chantilly, VA) 171,000 Seat 9: Aaron Coulthard (Waterloo, ON) 1,327,000

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Re: Wsop Event 2, Brit In Final 13 Elia Ahmadian Eliminated in 18th Place ($30,569) On the second hand on Green #14, Elia Ahmadian moved all in from the small blind and was snap-called by Theo Tran in the big blind. Ahmadian sheepishly turned over 6c.gif8s.gif and was in bad shape against Tran's pocket kings. A flop of qs.gif3s.gif4s.gif gave him some hope, but the turn 4c.gif and river 5c.gif were no help. Ahmadian is the first casualty of the day. He earns $30,569.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, Brit In Final 13 Brandon Blake Eliminated in 17th Place ($30,569) It's an early end to Brandon Blake's day. From under the gun, he raised to 55,000. Grant Hinkle, who had tangled with Blake just a few hands ago, called from the button. Both players checked the 5h.gifjc.gif6d.gif flop. When the turn came 3c.gif, Blake bet 200,000. Hinkle moved all in and Blake instantly called and table pocket fives for a set of fives. Hinkle turned his hand over to reveal pocket sixes for a set of sixes: set over set on the flop. The miracle one-outer didn't hit the river and Blake was eliminated. His payday is $30,569.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, Brit In Final 13 Frank Sinopoli Eliminated in 16th Place ($30,569) Action folded to Melvin Jones who limped in from early position. When it got around to Aaron Coulthard in the small blind, he completed and Frank Sinopoli checked his big blind option. The flop came down kc.gif10c.gif5c.gif . Coulthand led out for 35,000 and Sinopoli instantly declared all in. Jones quickly folded and Coulthard insta-called. The players showed: Coulthard: 4c.gif2c.gif Sinopoli: qc.gif3d.gif The turn and river came the 6h.gif and 10d.gif respectively and Sinopoli was eliminated. He was clearly discouraged, but will pick up $30,569 to sooth his pain.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, Brit In Final 13 Matthew Kearney Eliminated in 15th Place ($41,295) Matthew Kearney raised to 60,000 from under the gun. Next to act was Jeff Wiedenhoeft, and he moved all in for 130,000 total. Aaron Coulthard, who had both men well covered, came over the top for all his chips. Action folded back around to Kearney, who made the call. The players showed: Kearney: kd.gifqh.gif Wiedenhoeft: kh.gif10h.gif Coulthard: ac.gifjh.gif There was a side pot between Coulthard and Kearney, with Wiedenhoeft looking to triple up. The board came kc.gif10d.gif2d.gifqd.gif10c.gif and Wiedenhoeft's full house was best. Coulthard took down the side pot with his Broadway straight and Kearney was eliminated in 15th place. He'll take home $41,295 for his impressive finish.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, Brit In Final 13 Eric Hicks Eliminated in 14th Place ($41,295) Eric Hicks' day is over. He moved all in from the big blind after Jeff Wiedenhoeft open-raised from late position for 75,000. Wiedenhoeft called the all in and was ahead with his as.gif9c.gif against Hicks' ks.gif8h.gif. Wiedenhoeft was pumped when the flop came ac.gif3s.gif2c.gif, but looked skywards in agony when the turn came kh.gif to keep Hicks' chances alive. A harmless jc.gif hit the river, sending Hicks to the cage to collect $41,295. Wiedenhoeft now has about 400,000 chips.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, Brit In Final 13 Josh Engerdahl Eliminated in 13th Place ($41,295) Aaron Coulthard raised to 65,000 from the button. Josh Engerdahl put in a sizable reraise from the small blind. Melvin Jones came over the top from the big blind for all his chips. Coulthard passed and Engerdahl called what would end up being all in. It was ac.gifqc.gif for Jones and ah.gifjs.gif for Engerdahl. Jones made the nuts when the board came kc.gif8d.gif4c.gif10d.gif7c.gif . He shook hands with Jones, and congratulated the others as he made his way towards the payout table to collect his $41,295.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, Brit In Final 13 Minh Nguyen Eliminated in 12th Place ($52,021) James Akenhead opened for 67,000 from middle position. Action folded to Minh Nguyen in the big blind, who raised to 200,000. Akenhead immediately pushed all in. Nguyen made the call with as.gifqh.gif and was dismayed to see Akenhead turn over pocket queens. The board came out 7d.gif7h.gif4c.gif2s.gif5s.gif to send Nguyen to the rail. He collects $52,021 for his efforts.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, James Akenhead (London UK) In Final 11 Chip Counts

James Akenhead1770000 chip_up.gif670000
Aaron Coulthard1500000 chip_up.gif50000
Mike Ngo1200000 chip_up.gif545000
Theo Tran1130000 chip_down.gif540000
Melvin Jones870000 chip_up.gif200000
Perry Friedman757000 chip_down.gif203000
Grant Hinkle660000 chip_up.gif379000
David Bach628000 chip_up.gif358000
Chris Ferguson560000 chip_down.gif60000
Joe Rutledge552000 chip_up.gif352000
Jeff Wiedenhoeft150000 chip_down.gif135000
1$ 831,462-
2$ 520,219-
3$ 388,287-
4$ 327,148-
5$ 268,154-
6$ 211,841-
7$ 158,211-
8$ 117,987-
9$ 83,127-
10$ 52,021-
11$ 52,021-
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Re: Wsop Event 2, James Akenhead (London UK) In Final 11 Rutledge Cracks Aces to Double Up On the second hand back from break, James Akenhead opened from under the gun for 80,000. Joe Rutledge moved all in. Action folded back to Akenhead who snapped called with pocket aces. Rutledge showed kd.gifjd.gif. A flop of kh.gif4c.gif9s.gif gave Rutledge some life. He didn't improve on the 5c.gif turn. As the river came down, Rutledge pleaded, "King or a jack!" and was rewarded with the ks.gif. "Yeah!" he shouted, clapping his hands and walking in circles. He leaned over the rail to a nearby table in a different tournament and added "I just cracked aces with king-jack!" Akenhead drops to about 1.3 million chips. Rutledge is up to about 900,000

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Re: Wsop Event 2, James Akenhead (London UK) In Final 11 Perry Friedman Eliminated in 11th Place ($52,021) Action folded around to Theo Tran in the cutoff seat. He raised to 90,000. When it got to Perry Friedman, he postured momentarily, then declared "all in." Tran instantly said call and rolled over kd.gifkc.gif. Friedman grimmaced, and flipped up qd.gifjd.gif. Tran had Friedman well covered so it was Perry who was at risk. The flop came jh.gif5d.gif2s.gif and Perry shouted "jack...jack!" It was not to be however as the turn and river bricked for the Full Tilt pro and he finished in 10th place and will leave with a cool $52,021to show for it.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, James Akenhead (London UK) In Final 10! Nines Are Good for Akenhead With one table remaining, we have our first big pot in a while. Theo Tran opened in late position for 80,000 and was called by James Akenhead from the big blind. Both players checked the flop of jd.gif9s.gif2d.gif. Akenhead bet 200,000 on the turn 8d.gif, which Tran called. When the river came js.gif, Akenhead fired again for 280,000. Tran went into the tank for several minutes. "Jack or nothing," he pondered aloud. He tried to stare down Akenhead, but Akenhead remained motionless his gaze fixated on the felt. Tran finally threw 280,000 chips in the pot. Akenhead opened 6h.gif9h.gif for a pair of nines, which was enough to take the pot after Tran mucked.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, James Akenhead (London UK) In Final 10!

Searchin the live updates and saw James' name and knew i recognised him....he was 3rd in the Newcastle GUKPT and was being railed by Praz Bansi' date=' they are part of the same poker team.[/quote'] He sat next to me dude when Maria went out. He came to the table with about 2k and after a succession of all ins and out draws ended up chip leader. A very good player though, Bansi and Mahrenholz call him 'sick dog' :lol He decimated Darvel Dave on day 2 as well and then got an unlucky 3rd ;). On for the cash of his life now though :hope :hope (but Jesus is looking ominous)
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Re: Wsop Event 2, James Akenhead (London UK) In Final 10! Wed, 04 Jun 2008 01:17:37 Mike Ngo is Eliminated in 5th Place ($268,154) Hand #88 - First hand back from the break. James Akenhead has the button in Seat 9. Action folds to Grant Hinkle in the small blind, who raises to 325,000. Mike Ngo reraises all in for 1.6 million. Hinkle thinks for about thirty seconds and then calmly says "Call." Here we go. Hinkle: Ad.gifJc.gif Ngo: Ah.gifKs.gif The flop is no help to either player. 3h.gifQh.gif5d.gif. Ngo's supporters have definitely become the most vocal here in the Milwaukee's Best Light All-In Lounge, as they are shouting up a storm in favor of Ngo. The turn is the 8d.gif. Hinkle needs a jack on the river... ...and he gets it! A roar goes up from the crowd as the Jd.gif hits the river. Ngo is stunned, but there's no denying that he is eliminated in 5th place. He collects $268,154.

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Re: Wsop Event 2, James Akenhead (London UK) In Final 10! Where Do We Go From Here? After an hour and fifteen minutes of heads up play, we're not much closer to deciding the outcome of this tournament. In that time, we have played 39 hands. Only eight of them have seen a river. Two hands were ended on the turn, and four hands were won with a bet on the flop. The rest were taken down preflop. Neither player seems willing to take much risk, although James Akenhead has definitely been applying more pressure on Grant Hinkle than the other way around. The crowd is starting to lose interest, with several spectators yawning and rubbing their eyes. Interestingly, we are off the structure chart that Harrah's provided to all players at the start of the tournament. That chart (optimistically?) had only 28 levels. We are now starting Level 29, blinds of 80,000 / 160,000 with an ante of 20,000 Updated Chip Counts James Akenhead - 6,735,000 Grant Hinkle - 5,050,000 James Akenhead has taken the chip lead and at the start of this level, each player will have 42 and 32 big blinds respectively. We'll see how this affects their strategies. Despite the rising blinds and antes, there is still plenty of room left for post-flop play, and given the way this tournament has gone up to this point, we may see the action in round 29 resemble that of round 28.

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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) HEADS UP Hand #160 - Grant Hinkle has the button in Seat 10. He raises to 350,000. Akenhead tries to pop it up again, this time by raising to 1.2 million. Hinkle moves all in and Akenhead quickly calls. Here it is! The moment we've been waiting for over the last two hours. Akenhead is the one who is all in. The hands are opened: Hinkle: 10d.gif4d.gif Akenhead: ac.gifkh.gif Wow, a stone bluff from Hinkle and now he's in very rough shape. The shouting has begun from the gallery, who have all suddenly found that last reserve of energy to remain on their feet. Side bets are being made on what the flop will contain. Here it comes... 10h.gif4h.gif10s.gif Pandemonium in the Milwaukee's Best Light All-In Lounge! Akenhead is dead to running cards. The crowd is absolutely floored. Akenhead cannot believe his misfortune. He knows he's on thin ice. And just to add insult to injury... 10c.gif Hinkle makes quad tenshttp://www.pokernews.com/en/reporting.photo_select/74 Add image from photo gallery! Akenhead is drawing dead. The meaningless river 5s.gif completes the hand. Akenhead is eliminated in second place and collects $520,219. Grant Hinkle is the winner of Event #2. He earns $831,462 and a coveted gold bracelet for his triumph. The winning hand was the all-powerful 10d.gif4d.gif. Now thats how to win a bracelet!!! :rollin:rollin

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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) HEADS UP Its a disgrace really you play your nuts off for 2 days overcome the stacks heads up and then get done by a cock going all in preflop with 10 4 off. I'd say he'd be pretty pissed off at this point myself.

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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) HEADS UP I ran the odds because I was curious. AhKc 62.62% 10d4d 37.31% Nonetheless a brutal way to get out... Hopefully he can manage to look back on it with pride though. It was an immense performance.

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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) HEADS UP Horrible wal to lose. :puke I guess it was just a button steal from Hinkle, that went wrong when his all-in got called. Quite surprising to me that he was only a 2:1 dog pre-flop.... guess I'll have to start looking more at hand odds.

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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) HEADS UP

I ran the odds because I was curious. AhKc 62.62% 10d4d 37.31% Nonetheless a brutal way to get out... Hopefully he can manage to look back on it with pride though. It was an immense performance.
Was he Ian Harris in disguise, ALun ?
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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) HEADS UP

Its a disgrace really you play your nuts off for 2 days overcome the stacks heads up and then get done by a cock going all in preflop with 10 4 off. I'd say he'd be pretty pissed off at this point myself.
You bluff, he folds = you're a hero. You bluff, he calls, you lose = you're a plonker. You bluff, he calls, you win = you're a cock.
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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) HEADS UP

Was he Ian Harris in disguise' date=' ALun ?[/quote'] lol. he is my new poker hero! You should get some lessons from him Brian. He knows the value of shoving sooooted 6 gappers. To be fair Akenhead did seem to be 3-betting his pf raises a lot.... Meh, still a sick sick way to go out. You going to Vegas this year Bri?
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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) HEADS UP

lol. he is my new poker hero! You should get some lessons from him Brian. He knows the value of shoving sooooted 6 gappers. To be fair Akenhead did seem to be 3-betting his pf raises a lot.... Meh, still a sick sick way to go out. You going to Vegas this year Bri?
aye not sure what date yet though, when are you going?
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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) runner-up This got me thinking. Obviously if you get to heads up in a WSOP event with a serious chance of winning, then however you lose it would be gutting. But I genuinely think I'd feel better if I went out to a bad beat like this than by making a bad or questionable decision. At least Akenhead knows he did the right thing on the final hand (small comfort, I know!). But if I'd been the other guy and I'd lost this hand and lost the event shortly afterwards (which he probably would, as I think he'd have been an enormous chip underdog), then I'd have nightmares for weeks about that shove!

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Wsop Event 2, James Akenhead (London UK) In Final 10!

He sat next to me dude when Maria went out. He came to the table with about 2k and after a succession of all ins and out draws ended up chip leader. A very good player though, Bansi and Mahrenholz call him 'sick dog' :lol He decimated Darvel Dave on day 2 as well and then got an unlucky 3rd ;). On for the cash of his life now though :hope :hope (but Jesus is looking ominous)
I knew after a few bouts with the GG sickdog would come good. Congratulations James a November Niner :clap:clap:clap
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Re: WSOP Event 2, $1500 NL holdem. JAMES AKENHEAD (London UK) runner-up That reminds me Bri when we were in Blackpool last year I was sat by Mareinholz and Banzi and Stuart Rutter came over and said that Akenhead and been running over The Mole. I told the mole later on that they had mentioned his name at my table he asked what they had said and I politely said nothing:lol How is the special needs guys doing these days anyway, hope he's still smashing the cash tables?

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