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June Pokerkings League


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Just putting it in the diary, so need a thread ;) I assume setup is the same - €2000 prize pool, double point mondays etc.... Dont think the prop bet is running on it this month :unsure However will make a few games in the first week focus games :ok

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Re: June Pokerkings League

1.PLTQM4United Kingdom50
2.PLdobbinUnited Kingdom40
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Re: June Pokerkings League

Was there a bounty on GAF? :unsure
Doesn't look like there was...no extra cash in my account!:cry I'm sure it would be announced in advance, however, here's the Hand History....just in case!:lol:lol:lol ***** Hand 1104942863 ***** 75.00/150.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 01/06/2008 21:58:32 Poker League (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: PLTelepee (2755.00) Seat 2: PLTQM4 (6480.00) Seat 3: PLstrider (5795.00) Seat 5: AlCapone83 (7935.00) Seat 6: PLbobolobo (3195.00) Seat 8: Advokat48 (4200.00) Seat 9: PLdobbin (4065.00) AlCapone83 post SB 75.00 PLbobolobo post BB 150.00 ** Deal ** PLTelepee [N/A, N/A] PLTQM4 [Qd, Qs] PLstrider [N/A, N/A] AlCapone83 [N/A, N/A] PLbobolobo [N/A, N/A] Advokat48 [N/A, N/A] PLdobbin [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Advokat48 Call 150.00 PLdobbin Fold PLTelepee Raise to 675.00 PLTQM4 All-in 6480.00 PLstrider Fold AlCapone83 Fold PLbobolobo Fold Advokat48 Fold PLTelepee All-in 2755.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [7h, 8c, 10c] *** Turn(Board): *** : [7h, 8c, 10c, 10h] *** River(Board): *** : [7h, 8c, 10c, 10h, 3h] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 5885.00 PLTelepee [Jh, Jc] Two pair jacks and tens Win: 0.00 PLTQM4 [Qd, Qs] Two pair queens and tens Win: 5885.00 :ok PLstrider Fold Win: 0.00 AlCapone83 Fold Win: 0.00 PLbobolobo Fold Win: 0.00 Advokat48 Fold Win: 0.00 PLdobbin Fold Win: 0.00 One of the rare occasions where GaF and myself both had a hand.....we always suspect the other is stealing....and normally we are!:lol TQM
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Re: June Pokerkings League Hi all, Congratulations PLTQM4, your 50 is now in your account. 2 more bountys left on PLtepee. The rules are simple. 1. Only players from PL get the bounty, if any other players knocks Pltelepee out I save 50 :hope 2. The bounty is only availiable for the next 2 league games PLtelepee plays. 3. Please post the hand number for me or tell me your nickname so I can check. Good luck and happy hunting! PokerKings Management

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Re: June Pokerkings League

is there a way of checking this i cant remember if i did or not:$
If your a member of punterslounge then I'll pay. Simple as that. :ok I don't want to create any confusion regarding links.
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Re: June Pokerkings League Pene just cripled me with trips over trips :loon I'm vulnerable now !!! Strider, Pene, Dodger, Bobolobo (PinkyS) and daveygh (sit out) all on my table.... ***** Hand 1106110248 ***** 10.00/20.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 02 June 2008 21:09:03 Poker League (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: hwhwerner (1480.00) Seat 2: PLstrider (1520.00) Seat 4: Penelopey1 (1263.00) Seat 5: rebmann (1370.00) Seat 6: PLtheDodge (1470.00) Seat 7: cluster5 (1470.00) Seat 8: daveygh8 (1470.00) Seat 9: lausert (1767.00) Seat 10: PLTelepee (1500.00) lausert post SB 10.00 PLTelepee post BB 20.00 ** Deal ** hwhwerner [N/A, N/A] PLstrider [N/A, N/A] Penelopey1 [N/A, N/A] rebmann [N/A, N/A] PLtheDodge [N/A, N/A] cluster5 [N/A, N/A] daveygh8 [N/A, N/A] lausert [N/A, N/A] PLTelepee [2s, 2d] *** Bet Round 1 *** hwhwerner Fold PLstrider Fold Penelopey1 Call 20.00 rebmann Fold PLtheDodge Fold cluster5 Raise to 80.00 daveygh8 Fold lausert Fold PLTelepee Call 80.00 Penelopey1 Call 80.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [6c, 2h, 4h] *** Bet Round 2 *** PLTelepee Bet 125.00 Penelopey1 Call 125.00 cluster5 Raise to 570.00 PLTelepee All-in 1420.00 Penelopey1 All-in 1183.00 cluster5 All-in 1390.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [6c, 2h, 4h, Jh] *** River(Board): *** : [6c, 2h, 4h, Jh, 10s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 4213.00 hwhwerner Fold Win: 0.00 PLstrider Fold Win: 0.00 Penelopey1 [4c, 4d] Three of a kind, fours Win: 3799.00 rebmann Fold Win: 0.00 PLtheDodge Fold Win: 0.00 cluster5 [Ks, Kh] Pair of kings Win: 0.00 daveygh8 Fold Win: 0.00 lausert Fold Win: 0.00 PLTelepee [2s, 2d] Three of a kind, deuces Win: 414.00

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Re: June Pokerkings League Muche to the annoyance of everyone at my table (and glee of the rail) I hung on and hung on ....... but eventually put my last 20 chips in against davey and Pene, and davey's 44 held up - well done davey :clap :clap :clap ***** Hand 1106172941 ***** 75.00/150.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 02 June 2008 21:56:00 Poker League (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: hwhwerner (1650.00) Seat 2: PLstrider (4078.00) Seat 4: Penelopey1 (3709.00) Seat 6: PLtheDodge (5236.00) Seat 7: PLbobolobo (1760.00) Seat 8: daveygh8 (1000.00) Seat 9: lausert (1462.00) Seat 10: PLTelepee (170.00) lausert post SB 75.00 PLTelepee post BB 150.00 ** Deal ** hwhwerner [N/A, N/A] PLstrider [N/A, N/A] Penelopey1 [N/A, N/A] PLtheDodge [N/A, N/A] PLbobolobo [N/A, N/A] daveygh8 [N/A, N/A] lausert [N/A, N/A] PLTelepee [Qc, 2c] *** Bet Round 1 *** hwhwerner Fold PLstrider Call 150.00 Penelopey1 Raise to 1200.00 PLtheDodge Fold PLbobolobo Fold daveygh8 All-in 1000.00 lausert Fold PLTelepee All-in 170.00 PLstrider Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [10d, Jd, 5s] *** Turn(Board): *** : [10d, Jd, 5s, 7h] *** River(Board): *** : [10d, Jd, 5s, 7h, Kd] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2395.00 hwhwerner Fold Win: 0.00 PLstrider Fold Win: 0.00 Penelopey1 [8c, Ah] Highest card ace Win: 0.00 PLtheDodge Fold Win: 0.00 PLbobolobo Fold Win: 0.00 daveygh8 [4h, 4s] Pair of fours Win: 2395.00 lausert Fold Win: 0.00 PLTelepee [Qc, 2c] Highest card king Win: 0.00

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Re: June Pokerkings League

2.PLGriffUnited Kingdom80
4.PLTQM4United Kingdom50
5.PLBoboloboUnited Kingdom40
6.PLDobbinUnited Kingdom40
10.PLtheDodgeUnited Kingdom24
12.PLSteveOUnited Kingdom18
13.plgaz271United Kingdom16
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Re: June Pokerkings League

2.PLGriffUnited Kingdom80
4.PLTQM4United Kingdom50
5.PLBoboloboUnited Kingdom40
6.PLDobbinUnited Kingdom40
10.PLtheDodgeUnited Kingdom24
12.PLSteveOUnited Kingdom18
13.plgaz271United Kingdom16
:loon :loon :loon :loon I better start playing this then... is it really EVERY night????:\
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Re: June Pokerkings League

Yes EVERY night I'm afraid :loon :loon But Mondays are the important ones as they are double pointers.
But looking at last month 489 points won it, so Pene just needs to turn up for the 5 Mondays and she'll be fine. :ok:tongue2
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