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Got away cheaply


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Dead chuffed with how cheaply I got away from this...... *** Handhistory for game 46839028 *** Blinds 15/30 NL Hold'em - 29.05.2008 - 18:57 3 Seat 4 is the button Total number of players: 9 Seat 1: CrnaLegija ( 2400 ) - in game Seat 2: plceud ( 2575 ) - in game Seat 3: G0LF MAN ( 1220 ) - in game Seat 4: _cashpoint ( 3680 ) - in game Seat 5: GazBlades3 ( 5240 ) - in game Seat 6: PL Telepee ( 2710 ) - in game Seat 8: Red_Elephant ( 2540 ) - in game Seat 9: dirtyoldman ( 2435 ) - in game Seat 10: Rautasaha ( 2320 ) - in game GazBlades3 posts SB $15. PL Telepee posts BB $30. **** dealing down cards **** Dealt to PL Telepee [ 2§, 9§ ] Red_Elephant folds. dirtyoldman calls $30. Rautasaha folds. CrnaLegija calls $30. plceud folds. G0LF MAN calls $30. _cashpoint folds. GazBlades3 calls $15. PL Telepee checks. **** dealing flop **** [ 8ª, 9©, 9¨ ] GazBlades3 checks. PL Telepee checks. dirtyoldman bets $60. CrnaLegija folds. G0LF MAN folds. GazBlades3 folds. PL Telepee calls $60. **** dealing turn **** [ 4© ] PL Telepee checks. dirtyoldman bets $150. PL Telepee calls $150. **** dealing river **** [ k¨ ] PL Telepee checks. dirtyoldman bets $300. PL Telepee calls $300. dirtyoldman shows three of a kind, nines [ qª, 9ª ]. PL Telepee mucks [ 2§, 9§ ]. dirtyoldman wins 1170 chips from main pot with three of a kind, nines [ k¨, qª, 9ª, 9©, 9¨ ] with kicker [ q© ]. ptcheapbh9.jpg

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Re: Got away cheaply Were you chuffed because you also put him on a 9 too and knew you were outkicked? If so, why call the river bet too? I can make a case for calling the flop and turn bet to see if you got your full house or quads but not the river if you thought you were behind?

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Re: Got away cheaply Fair comment. I dont think I was certain enough that I was beat (anyone who says "I know 100% he has XX" is lying, unless it's The Mole saying you have Jacks ;) ) to get away from it, but I was nervous enough from his betting patterns cumulatively to try and control the pot size and not risk my tournament at this stage. Is it not a case, by the river of weiging it up something like - "there's a 50% chance I'm ahead and a 50% chance I'm behind - I'm being offered 3-1 on an even money shot, I should call for the value" - of course, at the time I didn't weigh it up quite that precisely...... If I thought it was 70% likely I'm behind, but I'm offered 3-1, it's still a call isn't it on the river? I think I'm behind, but I have the right odds to call.... Maybe this is one of those occasions that I should "trust my read"? :unsure and steer away from the maths more?

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