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Devilfish added value


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Massive Bounty Tonight Register Now

29th May 2008
Hi Edward,

Devilfish here, I'm heading out to Las Vegas for the World Series of Poker and need to get in some practice against the best players in the world, so we've put on a special Knock Out Devilfish Bounty tournament tonight for me to sharpen my game. To increase the pressure we've put a bounty of €250 on my head and have added €500 to the prizepool . It only costs €10 to enter so bring your best table talk and see if you can take down the tournament or knock me out, but be careful, I want to win this one as much as you do.


Starting stacks are 2,500 and the blnds go up every 15 minutes so this is no crapshoot, you better be playing your A game or the Devilfish is going to take you down.

Looks no bad for any one with a few freeroll $$$$$$'s
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