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Pot Limit Omaha


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Ok - hand 1 in tonights PLO - how strong a hand do I have and how far do I push it? I'm really unsure about how strong I need to be in PLO sometimes.... This was the first hand of the evening. ** Game ID 988006611 starting - 2008-05-23 20:32:14 ** pl omaha[1651795]:Table 2 [Multi Table Omaha] (20.00|40.00 Pot Limit - MTT) Real Money - Toffee_Pete sitting in seat 1 with $1000.00 - Telepe sitting in seat 2 with $1000.00 - rudolph36 sitting in seat 3 with $1000.00 - HamstrKicker sitting in seat 4 with $1000.00 [Dealer] - plwurzel133 sitting in seat 5 with $990.00 - fenners sitting in seat 6 with $980.00 - happyhornet1 sitting in seat 7 with $1000.00 plwurzel133 posted the small blind - $10.00 fenners posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Ace of Hearts, 3 of Clubs, 2 of Hearts, 9 of Diamonds happyhornet1 folded Toffee_Pete folded Telepe called - $20.00 rudolph36 called - $20.00 HamstrKicker called - $20.00 plwurzel133 called - $20.00 fenners checked ** Dealing the flop: 9 of Spades, 9 of Hearts, King of Clubs plwurzel133 bet - $50.00 fenners folded Telepe raised - $125.00 rudolph36 folded HamstrKicker folded plwurzel133 raised - $475.00

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Re: Pot Limit Omaha Hehe - I accept my starting hand was weak :ok But given that I went with it (for asuited ace and implied odds), what do I think of trip 9's (with ace kicker) on a rainbow flop?

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Re: Pot Limit Omaha You always have to bet your hand in PLO and respect the raise, I'm always wary on a paired board and K9 could easily be out there. In PLO you are looking for straights and flushes trips are usually a ball breaker so I wouldn't push it hard at all.

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Re: Pot Limit Omaha I'm not great at this game, had moderate success at 25/50 levels and think i could beat 50/1 with big enough bankroll but not confident in anything i say about this game re. strategy. What i can say is only 2 hands beat you at this stage - K9, KK so you'r uber strong really. Can probably discount KK as no raise pre flop. They say when you have a v strong hand in PLO you have to bet the crap out of it when you're pretty sure of being ahead as chances of being outdrawn are v high so go all in i think ...

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Re: Pot Limit Omaha hmm tricky one this:unsure. most players that i play would raise it up pre flop with ks even from the sb, but if they are isolated ks (no flush or straight help with them)then maybe i would be flat calling and hope for a k. on one hand i wouldnt want to be showing too much strength on the flop if i had kk or k9 but i might be wanting to build the pot up a little so i could stick in a decent bet later,so his bet could be a dangerous sign:loon saying that the reraise shows strength but maybe rules out ks or even k9,why reraise so much with a pretty much unbeatable hand:unsurei would wait and let the other player hit a bit more of his hand first and build the pot slowly to the river then start pushing. so i would guess he has the other 9 ,as you have top kicker i think you have to reraise pot size and hope he folds , he still will have 9 outs on the turn and river to hit his fh if he does have the other 9 and you dont want that happening:ok

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Re: Pot Limit Omaha Would never have played that starting hand in the first place and I'd definitely fold once reraised. He could have k9 unlikely to have kk or he could just have the solitary 9 but I'd definitely fold.

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