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Pot odds


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Hi guys been playing poker on off for a few years but thought i would relly try and learn the game propely,the hardest part im finding is working out the pot odds in time,does this become easier after time.Any help would be great. Cheers Terry.

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Re: Pot odds If you are already able to calculate your 'outs' quickly then a good way to start is to use the 4/2 rule. So if you flop the flush draw you have 9 outs x 4 = 36% (about 2-1) then on the turn you multiply by 2. Gutshot would be 4 outs = 16% is over 5-1 Its not an exact science but its a starter then after playing a while and making calculations everytime you play the odds leap out to you naturally.

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Re: Pot odds yeah wasps method is a very good way to get a very close calculation quickly. it may end up being a percent or two out at times but not enough to really effect your judgement on a hand. and yes after time it should start to become easier and you wont really need to work out the odds that often ,you will already know it from previous play. poker tracker is a usefull tool but i would recommend learning how to calculate your odds. if you ever play in a live enviroment you will need to be able to work things out in your head,one upside is you get a lot more time:ok also you really should look into implied odds as well . implied odds basically means how much you are likely to make in total on the hand. so with some hands you are sure that the other guy will double you up even if you hit your hand,then the implied odds sometimes make an obvious fold into a good call.

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