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how the money is being paid out


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Re: how the money is being paid out Eh? They've already told us what's going where by email :unsure They just payout the total to the team wallet and the teams then distribute it (I believe) :unsure What else is there to be worked out?

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Re: how the money is being paid out

Eh? They've already told us what's going where by email :unsure They just payout the total to the team wallet and the teams then distribute it (I believe) :unsure What else is there to be worked out?
nope,they said they will pay out each player individually
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Re: how the money is being paid out

Also some teams had 9 members and only 4 actually played, So do the other 5 get a pay out just for been members and not contributing
i did ask that question and got no reply,cos we have 1 in our team which i had asked ages ago to be removed,but hey did it happen?? NO!!!!
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Re: how the money is being paid out

Silentjay - can you look on the German esport forum and see if there is the same delay on that side of it?
Same thing. Took a while after their 1st season as well, it seems. Apparently they promised to pay out quicker this time, but no word yet...
i did ask that question and got no reply' date='cos we have 1 in our team which i had asked ages ago to be removed,but hey did it happen?? NO!!!![/quote'] Money should go in the team wallet, to be distributed by the captain. So this shouldn't really be a problem. Someone in the German forum said they were going to implement some sort of automatic payout system, based on performance. In which case members who didn't play shouldn't get anything, either. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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