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My proudest hour


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Re: My proudest hour Seems to be a growing trend that if you don't play every hand 100% 'correctly' there will be at least one cretin at the table to remind you of it. I mentioned a bit ago that i always seem to get flak at the tables and the other day was pretty ridiculous for it. Playing a Stars tourny the other day - i had 89 in the SB, flop comes 9 high i bet BB calls, turn brings paired board i bet BB calls, river brings 3 to flush board i check BB bets about quarter of pot i say '89' and fold. Then out of nowhere some random starts calling me a donk, fish, noob, get a brain etc etc as easy call according to the maths. Well i play mostly with common sense and nouse and there was absolutely no way on earth that guy had worse than 89 that hand so why the F would i call off quarter of my stack 'because of the maths'. Maybe i should have called, maybe not but to start going off on one because of something that doesn't affect them at all is just ridiculous imo. Later in that tournament i'm in the BB with over average stack with AQ there's a few limpers i just check to see a flop which comes AAQ. I check, 1 guy bets out the others fold, i call. Turn comes a blank i check he checks river brings 3 to flush i bet out near the pot and other guy calls - turning over A3 for trips. What ensues is the most boring conversation i've ever had with what must have been a 16yo who kept seeking assurances that he did well in the hand. I was like 'it's how the hand played out'. He kept saying i should have bet more, donk play etc. and i was like you didn't play it well kid, i missed a bet on the turn which would have knocked you out. He was right it wasn't great play by me but to just go on and on and on about how great he was compared to me was a total yawnfest, he simply got lucky. I ended up way outlasting both of them coming in 80th.

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Re: My proudest hour

Of course not!
:rollin:rollin:rollin It seems to be getting more and more live as well. I was in a tourney this weekend in Newcastle and one well known 'respected pro' was constantly reminding everyone how great he was and we were all morons. When I finally managed to get in on the act and outdrew him, I stood up and said "before you feel the need to call me a moron mate, I would just like to inform you that I do in fact have a mild mental retardation that can sometimes result in uncontrolable violence". He resisted and never got involved in a hand with me again :lol
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Re: My proudest hour

:rollin:rollin:rollin It seems to be getting more and more live as well. I was in a tourney this weekend in Newcastle and one well known 'respected pro' was constantly reminding everyone how great he was and we were all morons. When I finally managed to get in on the act and outdrew him, I stood up and said "before you feel the need to call me a moron mate, I would just like to inform you that I do in fact have a mild mental retardation that can sometimes result in uncontrolable violence". He resisted and never got involved in a hand with me again :lol
:lol :lol :lol Lewser! ;)
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Re: My proudest hour "Lucker" is a another jibe uttered on the Boss cash tables by our european chums (to me normally). :tongue2 Still can't decide whether they mean to say "lucky" or they are getting their F's and L's confused. :unsure

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Re: My proudest hour I got some abuse on a table with you the other day Steve'o. Thing is I had never seen the guy before and had never been involved in a hand with him. (He was an observer). Even accused Steve'O of being my 'Lover' !!!!! (And I thought it was a secret.)

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