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Sit & Go Challenge


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Hi I read all through Gotafancys and Staffys thread a few days ago about were he built $0 into $1000 and it inspired me to give it a shot. I had around 3'000 Full Tilt points at FT Poker and entered in a STT satelitte for 1'800. Luckily, I won and instead of taking my seat at another $50 satelittle I transferred the tournament dollars into cash so I basically got a free $55. Since Monday night ive been chipping away at the $10 STT's, 6 and 9 man and have found myself building upto $165. Im going to aim for $1'000 and think it can be done with a bit of luck here and there. Is anyone else doing this or has done it? Im just keeping to the $10 ones for now until I reach $450 or such before moving upto $20. :hope

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge A question to Gotafancy / Staffy if they read this. I notice you guys played the Turbo STT's. Don't you think there is a more element of luck involved with these? Just asking. Ive played a few as the Full Tilt ones are actually well spaced out regarding blind structures so they last longer than alot of the ones on other sites Ive played were time flies in. Appreciated.

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge It could be argued that a lot of the skill in stt/mtt play lies in the end game when it becomes almost a turbo when people have an average stack of 10M or less. Knowing when to push, when to call a push, when to sacrifice your BB and when you're getting value to call an all in from your BB after a push are the things that move you up the money places. If you're skilled at the end game playing turbos should save a lot of time.

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge Yes - I'm with mick on this - in the Turbo's I find that people struggle to move through the gears properly - they tend to play too loose early and too tight late - if you can manage your stack and shift gear then you have a big advantage over your opponents who cannot... (the turbo's I've been playing really are turbo's - 3 minute blinds and over if you win it in about 20-25 mins).

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge yeah i agree regarding turbos:ok if you have a sound adaptable game then playing turbos is good strategy ,a lot of people either play too loose or too tight and seem to struggle with turbos more than a normal game. and also the speed of them makes them more cost effective.

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge Good luck with your challenge. I found it helped me changing now and again from turbo's to normal so I could keep my concentration other wise I get bored. I have started playing on Pokerstars on the STT's there. 9 people. been playing the $10 and $20 with some success. the truth is I dont find the time to play too many games. The best advice I can give is be patient you cant always win but have an aim of how much you want to win over 100 games.

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge Cheers guys. Whats the view on multi tabling? I never play on more than two tables. I actually usually just stick to one as I can concentrate on the players better etc. I don't understand these people who can play 6 or 8 etc. :eek

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge

Cheers guys. Whats the view on multi tabling? I never play on more than two tables. I actually usually just stick to one as I can concentrate on the players better etc. I don't understand these people who can play 6 or 8 etc. :eek
multiple screens etc help a lot with that ,but you only really play abc poker and usually at lowish levels .also poker tracker helps for your player info:ok i personally agree with your policy of playing as few tables as possible and would rather play 1 game for $40 than 4 $10 games.as long as you can do ok at the higher level, giving it 100%concentration on 1 game should give better results than 80%consentration on 4 games.
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Re: Sit & Go Challenge been multi-tabling 2 x $20 SnGs over on GrandSlam poker for a few weeks. 9 min blinds, and lots of all-ins even at the 20/40 blinds where you sometimes get 30way all-ins with 40x stacks. Easy to hang tight and cash. Just play the nuts :)

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge Just played my first game of the day and won. :) Very aggressive table and was down to heads up in 15mins or so. Had a 6 to 1 chip defecit to over come but I waited for the right opportunities and before long I was crowned champeeen. :loon I ain't actually recording on a spreadsheet or such, I probably should but thats me upto around $200.

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge Upto $282 with this now. Went down to $190 this afternoon but 2nd in a couple and just won another two so back on top. Made around $100 today now so thinking about calling it a day at that... I went into my tournament history at Full Tilt and it has all my results but it doesn't copy them to a spreadsheet. Does anyone have any tracker things or such instead of writing each result into a spreadsheet??

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge Got upto $344 but now down to $270 again after a horrid run. Had KK beaten by 88 and 99 in different games when all in and AK beaten by Q4 (was more angry at the call rather than the beat! lol) Just on a bad run I suppose they come and go, but its knocks the confidence. Yesterday I thought I'd win every game but now I need a good few wins to get that back. Taking a couple of hours break.

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge On $292 again after some horrid swingabouts. Been a horrid day but im delighted only to be $50 or so down on the day as ive been playing shite to be perfectly honest, calling with silly hands and just checking folding without thinking. Its draining this poker me tells you!!!! Anyway gonna head out and come back in for a few games later with a refreshed head hopefully.

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Re: Sit & Go Challenge hi jack gl with your sng challenge just thought u might be interested in pokerstars battle of the planets sng league. it might be worth u taking a look if u play a lot of sng's each week as there are some good weekly prizes if u are successful.

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