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This bluff... Opinions?


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Hi, this is a bluff I played in a recent sit and go on full tilt. I actually played very well the whole game but eventually my Aces got cracked by Queens and I eventually got put out on the bubble, horrible beat which I posted on another thread. Anyway, this was a bluff I played a few hands earlier... Full Tilt Poker Game #6312422920: $10 + $1 Sit & Go (48028660), Table 1 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:14:20 ET - 2008/05/06 Seat 1: playingtolose (2,155) Seat 5: houstononetwo (4,845) Seat 6: ReeX (3,510) Seat 7: tkallyuurmoney (2,990) ReeX posts the small blind of 80 tkallyuurmoney posts the big blind of 160 The button is in seat #5 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to playingtolose [Qc 9s] playingtolose raises to 480 houstononetwo folds ReeX folds tkallyuurmoney calls 320 *** FLOP *** [Td Ah Js] tkallyuurmoney checks playingtolose checks *** TURN *** [Td Ah Js] [4c] tkallyuurmoney bets 640 playingtolose has 15 seconds left to act playingtolose has requested TIME playingtolose raises to 1,675, and is all in tkallyuurmoney folds Uncalled bet of 1,035 returned to playingtolose playingtolose mucks playingtolose wins the pot (2,320) The blinds are now 100/200 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2,320 | Rake 0 Board: [Td Ah Js 4c] Seat 1: playingtolose collected (2,320), mucked Seat 5: houstononetwo (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: ReeX (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 7: tkallyuurmoney (big blind) folded on the Turn __________________________ When he put out this bet it just hit me that he honestly didn't have nothing. Take into account he had done this a few times earlier in the game..... calling raise preflop, checking and then firing a near pot sized bet on the turn had the initial raiser checked on the flop aswell. Maybe it was risky but I decided to make a move and it worked. Any opinions or whether this was well played or not??? I ain't no pro so please no horrible play comments. :lol

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Re: This bluff... Opinions? Think it depends on your image. If you've been raising a lot pre flop and continuation betting a lot then your play is fine as it looks uber strong if you've been cont. betting but check this one then go AI on the turn. But if you've been playing tight, not raising much then i expect a tight player to put in a cont. bet so if they don't and all of a sudden push on the turn it looks v fishy. Personally i'd have bet the flop as you can win it there and then, or if they call you can hit your outs, basically it leaves you with an easier decision on the turn whatever happens.

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