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How do you get profitable at poker?


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Re: How do you get profitable at poker?

Welcome to my world!!!! except i play on betfair... $5 level and i seem to win this consistently. Build my bankroll from a starting point of about $20 upto about $120.... this will usually take me 5/6 hours of play thru a day but then i'm stuck in a situation where i think shall i move up? I do it and end up bubbling a lot. I'll be honest and say that I'm not a TAG I'm most prob loose agressive tryin to steal lots of little pots so that when I take a gamble or actually do get a big hand i can afford to lose it if you get me. End up getting frustrated and blowing the large majority of it at a higher level and then all the hard work i have put in is undone.
If your making $100 over a period of 5/6 hours then I'm not sure you want to be looking at moving up a level just yet, maybe you could continue with the $120 and try and increase that at $5 games even if it is a drag so you are more comfortable if you up your stakes. If you can make that in such a short space of time then your obviously a good player, recently I've restricted myself to one or two games a day as I found when I'd play when bored or hungover and my decision making was poorer and I'd basically call with crappy hands out of boredom. Also if i suffer a bad beat it can be easy to go on tilt and lose a lot in a short space of time, so I find giving myself time to get over the anger helps thwart tilt! If your blowing a lot of it out of frustration maybe you should take a breather, play a different format or simply don't play for a few hours.
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Re: How do you get profitable at poker? Played two tournies tonight and got two horrendous bad beats :@ Tourney 1- raise 4 times the bb with aj, get two callers, one being the chip leader who has got horrendously lucky is a loose but very poor player, flop comes 7 5 10, chip leader beats minimum of 50 into a pot of 700 or so, i call and the turn comes ace, he once again min bets i push all in for about 1000 more, he calls and shows 7 8 with an 8 hitting on the river. Tourney 2- got very little hand wise at a very loose table in which it was difficult to find out what players had as big pots often went to the river with one player folding despite having invested plenty in the pot already, often folding to tiny bets on the river, was very infuriating. Still I won one decent size pot with trip 3's which kept my head above water. As the blinds shot up i was forced to push in my bb with j 10, got called by j 3 and yep you guessed it 3 came on the river, out in 5th would have had about 2500 had i won it and would have been confident of getting at least 3rd. Really makes you wonder, the amount of times ive seen the lowest stack on the end of a horrendous bad beat on WH is staggering.

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Re: How do you get profitable at poker?

Played two tournies tonight and got two horrendous bad beats :@ Tourney 1- raise 4 times the bb with aj, get two callers, one being the chip leader who has got horrendously lucky is a loose but very poor player, flop comes 7 5 10, chip leader beats minimum of 50 into a pot of 700 or so, i call and the turn comes ace, he once again min bets i push all in for about 1000 more, he calls and shows 7 8 with an 8 hitting on the river. Tourney 2- got very little hand wise at a very loose table in which it was difficult to find out what players had as big pots often went to the river with one player folding despite having invested plenty in the pot already, often folding to tiny bets on the river, was very infuriating. Still I won one decent size pot with trip 3's which kept my head above water. As the blinds shot up i was forced to push in my bb with j 10, got called by j 3 and yep you guessed it 3 came on the river, out in 5th would have had about 2500 had i won it and would have been confident of getting at least 3rd. Really makes you wonder, the amount of times ive seen the lowest stack on the end of a horrendous bad beat on WH is staggering.
unlucky but still you/we can all obviously exploit these idiots...
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Re: How do you get profitable at poker? Some very good comments on here. I play at the .25/.50 level with a very TAG style and don't have too many losing sessions. I won't get rich but I do make a consistent profit. I always enter a pot with a raise. I'll never limp with small pairs but I do only min raise them which is usually enough to scare off the SB/BB and avoid them hitting miracle trips with their 53os. I play the big pairs hard but I am happy to fold in the face of strength or a dodgy looking board. In a way it's scared poker but it avoids big losing sessions and really relies on a patient game. I like to play position as Gaf advocates and will often play suited connectors from there as if they were a big pair. It's very easy to fold them if you don't hit hard. Don't get attached to middle pair! I also have a rakeback deal for 45% at Purple Lounge and I was amazed at how much you get back. It turns a break even session into a winning one. Definitely worth looking into. If you need a referall.........

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Ten Commandments Of Poker To Yield Profits The 1st commandment of poker, thou shall always make rational decisions. This rule holds true for all of your poker decisions, from game selection, to playing within your bankroll, to check raising your friend on the river. Successful poker player's decisions are always rational. The 2nd commandment of poker, thou shall always think positively. In order to become a winner you must first believe that you are a winner. Successful poker players always think positively. The 3rd commandment of poker, thou shall only play good starting hands. No matter what form of poker you are playing you must adhere to the rule of playing only quality starting hands. The 4th commandment of poker, thou shall be selectively aggressive. Being selectively aggressive means betting and raising when you have an edge in the hand, or when it may influence the outcome of the hand. Successful poker players are always aggressive with their strong hands. The 5th commandment of poker, thou shall know and play the percentages. A large part of playing solid poker is math, from being able to calculate your pot odds to figuring out how many cards will help you in a particular hand. Successful poker players always know and play the percentages. The 6th commandment of poker, thou shall mix up your play. If you want to make maximum profit in a poker game you need to make people play against you when you have a strong hand as well as a marginal one. If you only bet when you have a strong hand or check all of your drawing hands your opponents will eventually pick up on this and you will become a very readable opponent. Successful poker players always try to mix up their play. The 7th commandment of poker, thou shall always work on improving thy game. Whether by reading or re-reading a book or article, or practicing with software on your computer, you must constantly be trying to become a more complete poker player. Successful poker players are always trying to improve. The 8th commandment of poker, thou shall learn from thy mistakes. Successful poker players always learn from their mistakes. The 9th commandment of poker, thou shall always pay attention. To be a winning poker player you must be observant of your opponents, regardless of if you are involved in the hand or not. Successful poker players always pay attention. The 10th commandment of poker, thou shall be a well-rounded poker player. To be a great poker player you must give yourself as many prospects as you can to win. Limiting yourself to only 1 form of poker such as limit Texas Hold Em, will severely reduce the options you have to find a good game. Successful poker players are well-rounded players. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anil Yadav EDIT Please request permission to link

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