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PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!


PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!  

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    • Yes - would not miss it for the world
    • No - my wife won't let me
    • Maybe - I will go check

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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!

Im seriously struggling to make this. I have a few meetings at work this week and wont know til thursday if i can come or if ill have a job, so gonna have to book last minute flights. Ill keep you informed
:hope that you'll make it...
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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th! Transport info from Copenhagen Airport: You go on the Metro to Flintholm Station - I will pick you up there by car. 2 mins from the house:ok A metro ticket is 20 kroner = £ 2 (I think :unsure) and you can buy it in machines there. All I need to know is when you land - or rather a phonecall when you are ready to go on the metro :ok

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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!

Transport info from Copenhagen Airport: You go on the Metro to Flintholm Station - I will pick you up there by car. 2 mins from the house:ok A metro ticket is 20 kroner = £ 2 (I think :unsure) and you can buy it in machines there. All I need to know is when you land - or rather a phonecall when you are ready to go on the metro :ok
Just out of interest, any idea how much a taxi would cost from the airport to your house?
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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th! Itinerary: Friday Noonish: everyone arrive :nana Afternoon: Lunchtime in the garden followed first round of PL pool and darts tournament :drums Dinnertime: Pene's famous Chicken Curry :loon 20.00: Poker and beers :cheers Saturday Danish breakfast :ok Tour of Copenhagen - maybe a visit to Tivoli Garden :D Lunch in Copenhagen Down Town Afternoon in the house - pool, darts, beer. Dinnertime: Grand Barbeque a la Pene 20.00: Poker and beers :cheers Sunday Danish breakfast :ok Everyone's off to the airport :cry

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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!

Itinerary: Friday Noonish: everyone arrive :nana Afternoon: Lunchtime in the garden followed first round of PL pool and darts tournament :drums Dinnertime: Pene's famous Chicken Curry :loon 20.00: Poker and beers :cheers Saturday Danish breakfast :ok Tour of Copenhagen - maybe a visit to Tivoli Garden :D Lunch in Copenhagen Down Town Afternoon in the house - pool, darts, beer. Dinnertime: Grand Barbeque a la Pene 20.00: Poker and beers :cheers Sunday Danish breakfast :ok Everyone's off to the airport :cry
Sounds good to me :ok :cheers:nana :cow :drums :beer except for .........
Sunday Everyone's off to the airport :cry
weather should be in the 20 degrees :cow
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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!

Itinerary: Friday Noonish: everyone arrive :nana Afternoon: Lunchtime in the garden followed first round of PL pool and darts tournament :drums Dinnertime: Pene's famous Chicken Curry :loon 20.00: Poker and beers :cheers Saturday Danish breakfast :ok Tour of Copenhagen - maybe a visit to Tivoli Garden :D Lunch in Copenhagen Down Town Afternoon in the house - pool, darts, beer. Dinnertime: Grand Barbeque a la Pene 20.00: Poker and beers :cheers Sunday Danish breakfast :ok Everyone's off to the airport :cry
Sounds good, can I come too?:loon :loon
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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th! Well I have good news and bad news. Good news is that i still have a job, but dunno how long thats gonna last, i desparately need to get out n find a new one. Bad news is that the flight prices are way too expensive now and im not going to be able to make it, there now £270 and with spending money etc im looking at £400 for a 2 day trip, which is just too much especially with the circumstances at present. Sorry to Paul and Pene for whats surely going to be a great weekend, hope you can understand my reasoning tho. Have a good time all Graeme

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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!

Have a great time all you lucky people. :hope I get the feeling I'm going to miss a great weekend. :sad I'll keep my eye on the news for any outrageous incidents. :lol Don't forget your camera's.
ditto :( have a good un - and give our regards to sparti if you go down the cellar :cheers
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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th! Jagermeister, Fisherman's friend and some danish shit - oh dear. :lol Superb weekend and I'm sure we'll get it going again maybe around same time next year. :nana Friday Pene did a nice chicken curry to get us warmed up, but the beers were well under way long before that. I created some cards for 72o winner, First Brit out, First Dane out etc... but they came back to haunt me, because on the back it was either down a shot or choose someone to down one and guess who got picked every time?:(:( Woke up fully clothed with an irishman next to me in my bed - wtf! :rollin :rollin Pene had to sleep on the floor. :lol Phil won the first poker tourny on Friday, beating little Christina, one of them Danish Mob. Pene then took down the STT while a few of us were getting hammered in the games room downstairs. 3 Pukers and 3 smashed glasses, partly down to me trying to do a Tom Cruise "cocktail" impression, which went a bit pear shaped. :$:$ Saturday Went down to the harbour and got a few cans of Tuborg and a little stroll around central copenhagen, then back to the house. Pene fires up the bbq and we all cane that, then we're ready to rock n roll again! :nana Valiant took down last night's tourny with Katia 2nd and even I managed to stay sober (well kind of :unsure) long enough to finish 3rd and cash. :loon We then had a pool and darts tournament, but I decided I had to handicap myself a little, so I played Valiant in Quarter Finals with a broom. :ok I got 6 of my 7 balls down, but Valiant stole the game and did a lap of honour round the fcukin basement. :lol Jens beat Valiant in the pool final, but by this time more glasses were hitting the deck, but no pukers as yet. Me and Valiant (again!) were in the Darts final, and revenge was mine! :loon A lovely floated dart to the double 4 and then it was my turn to do a lap of honour round the basement. :nana Tayspoon was the antepost 1.30 fav for the darts tourney, but shit a brick in the semis, shambles! :lol Everyone partying till 5-6am and there was some wii action going upstairs, with Heniek smashing the fcuk outta everyone at boxing! :rollin :rollin This morning I managed to wake up next to my wife, which was a relief, although the irishman was still in the vacinity. Superb weekend - BA, Tayspoon, Pocket Lady and Valiant are on their way to the airport now, with Heniek and Phil here for a bit longer. Great fun as always, looking forward to the next one. I hear there is some photographic evidence as well, not looking forward to that shit! :lol

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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!

May I just say that this WAS NOT me.. :lol:lol Actually - Who the fcuk was it ??? Im your Paddy, Im unique..:sad
remember my small blonde friend from the wedding - Nanna?? She was at the wedding with her bf Peter - he's out and Derek, the Irish, is in :ok
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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th! What a belter of a weekend that was!:clap Many thanks to Pernille and Paul who looked after us fantastically and nothing was ever too much trouble for them to make sure we all had a brilliant time.:ok There was an obscene amount of alcohol drunk throughout the weekend and despite deciding not to have any shots on the Saturday night (we tanked them the night before and most of us were definitely suffering on the Saturday morning:unsure) 3 bottles of shots found their way onto the bar for the Saturday night:pukeThose Danes love their alcoholic cough syrup and the alcoholic liquid equivalent of "Fishermans Friend" lozenges so I guess sore throats and coughs don't hang around over there for long :loon The booze must have got the better of me because despite being offered a perfectly comfortable bed, I slept outside on the sun lounger on both nights:loon It was arguably the best two nights sleep I can remember:dude Great company and very generous hospitality made it a weekend I won't forget for a very very long time.:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th! Just look at the time of this post. :\ They've ruined me, I tell ya! :cry :D I know that Paul and Pene have their own successful careers but they have both missed their calling because as hosts they are unbeatable. :notworthy :notworthy The Friday was a superb night, and for a change I got hammered on the crazy Danish shots, vodka and Tuborg (:cheers) but managed to keep going long enough into the night that I woke up on the Saturday full of the joys of spring. :loon The poker was superb. Heniek dealt for most of the final table but when he had enough I took over...I was responsible for some crazy hands...the most notable was little Christina vs Tayspoon, when Tayspoon went out on the bubble for the first time. Christina had KK and limped UTG and Robbie checked with 98os. The flop cam 8 8 7 and there was a bit of action which really got going on the turn when Robbie hit the 9 for a full house. The action put Robbie all in and he was obviously in great shape...until the river brought the K. :loon :puke There were people all over the house in all kinds of states, but the best by far was Paul and his new love lay arm in arm in Pernille's bed. Although Robbie and Phil(?) fighting for the attentions of a beautiful young lass called Chronic in their bed all night. ;) A quick breakfast and we set off to catch the Metro into Copenhagen. We have to walk through a park to get to the local station. The park was nice enough, with the locals providing some interesting sights as they sunbathed. Fook me it was hot. Copenhagen is a great city and I look forward to exploring it more and more...I just wish the Metro had air conditioning. Another night of craziness started with a very even final table in the poker, with four Danes all on one side of the table, and 3 Brits with an Irishman on the other. I managed to get Paul in knowing I had the best of it with 72os, but I was even more surprised to find I was 'ahead' against his 45spades, until he caught a 4. :spank A big thank you goes out to the Left Handed Samoan for the dealing at the final table. :lol I had a good heads up battle against Katia, and although I won the poker,I was hopelessly outclassed in the "keeping a straight face/giggling" contest. :D

but Valiant stole the game and did a lap of honour round the fcukin basement.
...and the first floor as well. ;) :D Lets face it, not many people can claim a 100% record against Rossy (broom or no broom), so I may as well retire unbeaten. :lol When Saturday started I wondered how on earth I was going to be able to last another crazy night, because compared to these loonies I know I'm a light weight, however on Saturday the first time I looked at any clock I was expecting it to be around midnight... but it was 3.30 am!! That just shows what wonderful hosts Paul and Pene are, and what wonderful guests they had invited. :clap :notworthy :clap :notworthy Oh....and I saw Sam pissed for the 2nd time in 20 years!!! :lol
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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th! Oh man, I do ache :eyes. Who in the right mind, completely pissed, would have 4 boxing fights in the row on Wii at 5am? :wall Well, I think, thats what weekend away its all about :nana. BTW, after 4th fight I sat down on sofa and...passed out :$. 12hrs sleep over 3 nights says it all. Pocket Lady and Pene getting busy. f_IMG0138m_757b07a.jpg No-one-wants-to-talk-to-me Valiant. f_IMG0139m_faf694a.jpg Chilling before the (alcohol) storm Philossify and Tayspoon. f_IMG0140m_3947fa6.jpg I cant believe I don't have any pics of game room :eyes. Big effort by Paul and envy of every one. Bar, pool, darts and hundreds of beers. Friday poker tournament wasn't my bright memory. I was 1st out :$. But the last one to go to bed. I think 6am :tongue2. Saturday morning was as fuking hot as.... I think, it was the only bad thing all weekend :puke. Then off we go to conquer Copenhagen. f_IMG0144m_da95cdb.jpg The queen of Copenhagen. f_IMG0145m_71fc612.jpg ...and the beer is flowing like a river :beer. f_IMG0143m_a71150b.jpg And after fantastic barbecue, we are ready for some more. f_IMG0151m_7b8be88.jpg f_IMG0150m_b0b942d.jpg It was great to see all of our Danish friends, which I met at the wedding :clap. Big thank you to Paul and Pene for having us and spoiling us rotten :notworthy. I have never seen alcohol flowing so freely and I dont think we can top it up. Cant wait to see you all again in September :ok.

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