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PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!


PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!  

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    • Yes - would not miss it for the world
    • No - my wife won't let me
    • Maybe - I will go check

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Copenhagen calling :beer Paul and I would like to invite PL members to Copenhagen for a weekend of poker, beer and barbeque :cheers The date for this event is 25th - 26th - 27th of July... nice and warm here by then :nana We have plenty of room if any of you wish to stay at our house during this weekend. All it requires is a sleeping bag :ok Hopefully we will have finished fixing up the basement by then - and it will be possible to have a game of pool and darts :hope See you in Copenhagen :cheers

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Guest gazza271

Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen Hell yeah :ok:clap:cow:beer:beer:beer:cheers I will tell Nik I'm going out for a beer on the 25th and explain when I get home :ok

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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen While we can fit quite a few people in the house, plenty of floorspace etc.. and maybe we might put tents up in the garden, some may choose to stay in hotels (If anyone is coming that is! :lol). Flight Operators to Copenhagen: (Malmo in Sweden is an option too, only a 20 minute train to Copenhagen). www.sterling.dk - Fly from Gatwick, Edinburgh or East Midlands East Midlands return at the moment is only £90, but it won't stay that way for long. :ok www.flysas.com - Another danish company, but a little more expensive. www.easyjet.com - Not as cheap as Sterling at the moment. www.ba.com - if you wish to pay the highest priced ticket and lose your luggage with a 3 hour delay, then BA is your choice. :ok

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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen Checked at work and I won't be able to get the Friday off but coming Saturday & Sunday might be possible. We have a three year old filly in training at the moment and I would hope she would be running by then, so if there happened to be a suitable race for her that weekend we would want to be there. Weekend race meetings being preferable due to holiday limitations midweek. So that's a long-winded maybe. :ok

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Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen

Checked at work and I won't be able to get the Friday off but coming Saturday & Sunday might be possible. We have a three year old filly in training at the moment and I would hope she would be running by then, so if there happened to be a suitable race for her that weekend we would want to be there. Weekend race meetings being preferable due to holiday limitations midweek. So that's a long-winded maybe. :ok
That's cool, plenty of early flights on Saturdays. :ok
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gazza271

Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th! Going to book my flight today :ok Looks like it will be Phil,Hen and myself all on the same flight :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: PL Poker Weekend in Copenhagen - July 25th to July 27th!

Im done on the same flight as phil. Gazza had some problems with his CC. :hope he books it today.
Yeah the problem being I dont use one :lol:lol Cannot believe you cannot pay by switch, will think of something :ok.
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