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PokerTrillion $10,000 New Home Freeroll


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Re: PokerTrillion $10,000 New Home Freeroll Just one small word of caution about this tournament. Reg opens in 2 Days, 6 hours and 30 minutes time - that's 2:30 AM on Thursday morning :zzz. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one fill up VERY quickly, so either stay up late or gamble and try when you wake up - the choice, as they say, is yours :(

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Re: PokerTrillion $10,000 New Home Freeroll

Perhaps if we all PM GaF all our log in details he can then register for everyone:ok. It seems pointless all of us staying up till that time of the morning.;)
Nah, GaF's not around at that time. You need me or strider. :ok
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Re: PokerTrillion $10,000 New Home Freeroll I found this on another forum hence the credit (I think i'm supposed to do that!) .... as a salute to Poker Trillion I shall wear my avatar with pride (or something like that).......... The Cat That Almost Got The Cream

by snoopy Submitted by: snoopy on Thu, 01/05/2008 - 3:05am

catgirl.jpg "Last week, body language took on a new meaning as five of the world's best poker players bore up to the ultimate poker challenge at the $8,000 buy-in, $576,000 televised PartyPoker.com World Open. Up and coming poker star, Russian player ‘Catgirl,’ was due to celebrate her 23rd birthday by playing poker in her ‘birthday suit’ totally naked bar a few Swarovski Gems to keep her modesty. Alas, at the last moment, Channel Five put a ban on her total nudity, Catgirl instead adorning a sensational body painted outfit to keep her honest." Catgirl's sponsors, Poker Trillion, were delighted with her performance, and adamant that she has what it takes to succeed in the game. Prior to the event, Andy Pyrah, C.E.O of Catgirls sponsors PokerTrillion.com commented, “Catgirl's heat is like a who’s who of poker, she's going to need to have all her talent on display if she’s going to take down this table. Let’s just hope the likes of Flood and Devilfish don’t decide to go topless!” So if I dispense with my hoodie tonight Andy theres an outside chance of sponsorship then ........ :loon ......... what ... no !!! ..... oh .... :sad. Seriously I think this is Catman's (of Naked in Westminster "fame") .... er Catgirl as far as I know ??? ... any thoughts ?? .... got to be surely ....

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Re: PokerTrillion $10,000 New Home Freeroll The games not even started yet :wall :wall :wall

Miodziobuk: witam Miodziobuk: wie ktos moze jak jest z wyplacalnoscia tego roomu?
A sign of things to come? :sad I presume this network have an english only rule in the chatbox? Will be interesting to see if it's enforced.....
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Re: PokerTrillion $10,000 New Home Freeroll

Seems to be trying to update but can't find a language file. Keep trying tho just got in as I typed this post.
I had the ssame thing but it just carried on downloading and was fine. :)
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