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Spanish Grand Prix 27th April

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I haven't really got going this season, hope for a change of fortune this weekend. Should be an interesting race after a lot of testing, not sure if I'm taking anything before practice.

v6218.gif v15.gif v6004.gif v6112.gif v6140.gif v6074.gif v6139.gif v6143.gif v1.gif v6169.gif v6133.gif v6171.gif v6006.gif v2.gif v3.gif v6160.gif v6002.gif v10.gif v6018.gif v502.gif v4.gif v6005.gif v401.gif
chart_off.gifRäikkönen, K 2.62 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.37 2.5 2.5 2.62 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.37 2.5 2.66 2.72
chart_off.gifMassa, F 3 3.25 3.2 3.5 3.25 3.25 3.5 3.2 3 3.25 3.25 3.3 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 2.87 3.4 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5
chart_off.gifHamilton, L 5 4.5 4.5 3.5 4.8 4.33 4.5 4.5 5 4.5 4.5 5 4.5 5 4.5 3.75 5 5 4.5 4.33 4.33 5.1 5.7
chart_off.gifKubica, R 13 12 11 12 14 11 13 11 13 11 13 13 10 13 13 14 9 15 11 13 13 15.5 16
chart_off.gifKovalainen, H 11 13 12 18 15 13 13 12 11 13 15 15 13 15 13 9.5 11 17 12 13 13 16.5 20
chart_off.gifHeidfeld, N 15 15 13 22 22 15 17 13 15 17 21 21 15 15 15 17 13 21 13 17 15 24 19
chart_off.gifAlonso, F 41 41 41 50 43 34 41 41 41 41 41 34 41 26 34 41 51 21 41 34 21 50 70
chart_off.gifRosberg, N 81 126 126 100 186 81 126 126 81 81 81 67 67 51 67 81 81 151 126 67 51 250 220
chart_off.gifTrulli, J 67 81 67 50 136 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 51 51 51 81 67 251 67 67 67 182 130
chart_off.gifButton, J 101 81 101 250 144 67 126 101 101 126 101 101 151 101 81 126 151 251 101 101 101 192 170
chart_off.gifWebber, M 81 126 151 150 144 101 151 151 81 126 101 101 126 81 81 101 81 251 151 101 81 194 300
chart_off.gifGlock, T 151 201 201 250 220 151 201 201 151 151 151 151 126 151 151 151 151 301 201 151 126 295 320
chart_off.gifBarrichello, R 151 201 201 300 220 201 201 201 151 201 201 201 201 151 201 201 201 301 201 151 151 295 510
chart_off.gifCoulthard, D 151 201 201 250 220 151 201 201 151 201 201 151 151 101 101 151 151 301 201 151 101 295 550
chart_off.gifVettel, S 151 251 251 400 220 201 201 251 151 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 251 501 251 201 151 295 510
chart_off.gifPiquet Jr., N 151 201 201 300 220 201 201 201 151 201 151 151 201 201 151 201 201 751 201 251 101 295 410
chart_off.gifNakajima, K 151 251 251 300 220 201 251 251 151 201 151 151 151 151 126 201 151 751 251 201 126 295 460
chart_off.gifBourdais, S 251 251 251 400 275 251 251 251 251 201 251 201 251 201 201 251 251 751 251 201 201 380 510
chart_off.gifFisichella, G 501 501 501 400 275 301 301 501 501 201 331 201 301 301 301 501 301 751 501 301 301 380 510
chart_off.gifSutil, A 501 1001 751 750 635 501 501 751 501 501 501 501 751 301 751 751 501 1001 751 501 301 980 1000
chart_off.gifDavidson, A 1001 2501 2501 1000 501 751 2501 1001 1001 1001 501 1001 2001 751 1001 751 2501 2501 751 501
chart_off.gifSato, T 1001 2501 2501 1000 635 501 1001 2501 1001 2001 1001 501 1001 2001 751 1001 751 2501 2501 1001 501 980 1000
Place terms 3 1/53 1/53 1/5 3 1/53 1/53 1/53 1/53 1/5 3 1/53 1/5 3 1/5 3 1/53 1/5
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Re: Spanish Grand Prix 27th April Not doing much before qualifying - the midfield is just so close:unsure Qualifying: KUBICA @ 8.00 E/W (1/5, 1,2,3) Stan James. This looks like a very reasonable price for Kubica who has been red hot in qualifying this year. He comes here after getting his first pole in Bahrain and I expect him to be very strong again. So far this season he has consistantly been the lightest in Q3 and everyone seems fine with that, so see no reason for it not to happen again. I don't think McLaren will have made a big relative improvement, and Ferrari sometimes struggle with single lap pace (especially Kimi) so Kubica should be in the top 3 and has a very reasonable chance of taking pole. KUBICA Podium @ 3.00 Blue Sq. Following on from my bet for Kubica in qualifying. I expect him to qualify in the top 3 and hang on to that during the race. BMW is slightly behind Ferrari over longer runs but I think they can still match McLaren. Heidfeld is a concern as he normally qualifies heavier and has very good race pace, but I'm still favouring Kubica as Heidfeld can get involved with guys further back if he gets a bad start. BMW didn't show too much in practice, but in general they don't, and I expect them to be just as strong here as they have been in the first 3 races.

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