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Security on Poker Room


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I have received this PM from a PL'r (thanks :ok) I've had a look and was quite surprised to see full dates of birth published by default for all users. Pretty poor from PokerRoom IMO. If you wish to remove your DOB, then you need to go to Community/My Pokah (on the Pokerroom website) and EDIT your personal details - there will then be a tick box you can untick. If you've never done this then your DOB is displayed!!

I noticed in the PL 40000 Battle of the Boards, tourney that if you clicked on the little head by the players names you get on to their Pokah page which has a bit of info on the players which includes Date of Birth , I feel most people wouldn't want their D.O.B. openly displayed for various reasons - not least it's often useful to ID fraudsters. You can adjust what info you show including D.o.b by visiting your own page and editing your details and ticking unticking various boxes, perhaps you have some way could tip the other PLers on Pokerroom off about this .
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Re: Security on Poker Room

I did untick few boxes and saved it 3 times. No changes in my profile. DoB still there :eyes.
That's because what you can see about you when you are logged in is different from what I can see about you when I'm logged in. Here's what I see: 533w17khoxau3yfyyn32.jpg If you look at my entry for Red Aces you shouldn't be able to see my DOB. :ok
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