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Team BB - Charity Poker Team

Slick Digital

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Hi all, I am looking for some help, the charity I work for is looking to set up a charity poker team ( http://teambrighterbritain.blogspot.com) which is looking to take part on the UK and EPT poker tour events. The idea is to increase exposure and raise funds for the charity. We are already in discussions with a couple of sponsors, however we are on the look out for some decent players to join the team, and also further sponsors to help get this off the ground. Once formed players will play on behalf of the team, with expenses and entry covered with players also receiving a % of the winnings. Team BB will be taking part in both UK and EPT tour events, (both main and small events) Team BB will also be included in the charities national PR and marketing campaign ( so having your picture taken is a must!!) Any feedback would be cool, we would like to make the first event the Newcastle leg of the Grosvenor UK poker Tour ( sponsors permitting) My email is [email protected] if you would like to play or be a sponsor.

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Re: Team BB - Charity Poker Team The charity is currently going through the process of registering with the charities commission, it is formally launching in June. Our websites are being designed as we speak, however we do have a blog http://brighterbritain.blogspot.com This gives some of the details about the charity, (although a few typos) the main Brighter Britain campaign will be found at www.brighterbritain.co.uk We have been developing the online structure of the charity for the last 6 months, ensuring admin and operating costs are kept to a minimum, as a charity a minimum of 96p in every £1.00 will go directly to people who need it. We have coverage in several local papers planned over the coming weeks, and as I said a launch campaign in June. The Team BB idea is designed to increase awareness of the charity, as I am sure you are aware there are thousands of charities however often the BIG causes generate much of the coverage, so to start with our aim is to get the charity recongised, we are confident this can be acheived as Brighter Britain is a strong message. I hope this answers a few of your questions, I am happy to give any further information )))

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Re: Team BB - Charity Poker Team Cheers Ade, The cause is genuine as is the team, however as I am sure you know the hardest thing is getting going, as they say from small acorns..... It is somewhat of a chicken and egg, sponsors want to know the team is strong and players want to know the sponsorship is strong... As a charity we have a done our research and this project is not being entered into lightly, we still have a few months before launch so much to do. Team BB has been created mostly to aide the PR we have planned, the story is strong and we have already had interest from the press, so all going well it should grow and grow... Well thats the idea ))

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