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Torneo di Poker


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Re: Torneo di Poker

Cheers all :ok Got here about 2.30pm local time to find a lovely sunny day....all the Italians are walking round in coats, I'm wearing a t-shirt :lol:lol Bad news from Ollie at virgin when I landed - Slovenian govt won't allow funds transfers, so seat is not paid for yet. After a couple of phone calls, virgin have transferred funds direct to my bank hopefully (just waiting for confirmation tomorrow). Hotel is about 20kms from Trieste airport, and 4km from casino (which is in Slovenia). Just asked reception to get me a taxi to check out the casino - 4 calls later and the answer was "NO!". Will have to find my way there tomorrow just in case I have to walk it at the weekend. Can't believe no taxis at 8pm :\
looks about as friendly and helpfull as slovakia:eyes unlucky in the tourney washy,good luck with the cheeky girls;)
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Re: Torneo di Poker

Best of luck Washy' date=' keep your eye on the table and not some dodgey Slovenian bit of ass:hope.[/quote'] There's nothing dodgy about the cocktail waitresses in that casino - 10/10 :ok Got walking directions to the casino from tourist info on Friday morning - dead easy from my hotel, and no border patrol - one end of the road is in Italy, other in Slovenia. There's casinos everywhere in Nova Gorica, so I guess they must be illegal in Italy. Casino hosting poker was very nice - bigger than Aspers, but €5 entry Fri-Sun. Also a hotel, but I couldn't get in there. Casino open 24hrs, and complimentary drinks when you play slots (even 2cent ones :cheers:cheers). Poker room normally has 7 tables, but for festivals they have a room next door with another 16 (Aspers would have got about 25 in there!!). Main event was a €1400+100 double chance freezeout, starting with 7500 chips, with your other 7500 available anytime. Scheduled to start at 5pm local time - at 5.15 they were still running one hand satellites :loon:loon. Finally got underway just after 5.30pm. After 2 hands a player on my table got his second batch, and was out not long after when he moved all-in with JJ against 88. Flop 8QJ, turn blank, river 8 :loon I got aces early on, and made about 800 chips, but then didn't get a playable hand for most of the next 3 levels. Last hand of level 4 I get KK - raise in front of me, and I just call. Flop AQT :sad, guy only bets a bit, so I call hoping to hit J. Q on the turn slows it all down, and he wins with AT. That took me down to about 11.5k. Level 5 I made a couple of mistakes - limped with something, and was re-raised by Roberto Binelli (who eventually took me out), so I folded. Next hand I limp again with 9T suited - he smiles and raises again, this time I call, flop is KKT. Turn and river are both 4, and he bets about 70% of my stack, so I fold. Looking back I think he had Ax, and I wished I'd have called. In level 6 I get KK utg, but everyone folds to my raise, then a couple of rounds later, with 8075 left I get AK utg. I raise to 1075 (blinds 200/400) - Roberto re-raises to 4k. I shove, more in hope than anything as I think he has a big pair. He calls, and turns over AJ......happy days.......until the J comes on the flop, and thats my tourney over in about 70th of the 100 runners. Tourney was due to play to final table on Saturday - at 3am when I last checked there were still 28 left in! Went back Sunday just after 2pm, and there were 21 still playing. Ended up in a chop by last 3 at about 7pm. Would definitely recommend the place to anyone - about £60 for flights to Trieste, and hotels not bad. Might well come back for a freezeout festival at the end of Sept (29/9 to 3/10) ranging from €130+20 to €550+50 - all 5 tourneys will cost €1650, but pretty sure they will have sit and go's for them all.
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