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Team Challenge - with 6 Virgin Festival Seats added


Team Challenge - with 6 Virgin Festival Seats added  

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    • Yes please - and I am available Tuesday night. The buy in is â?¬10+â?¬1
    • No

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First of all, apologies for having left this so late to put up - I meant to do it earlier in the week :$ I expect it being late will probably cost some players there places - and I apologise in advance for that :$ I will finalise teams from those available at some stage Monday evening - so please dont wait to indicate your availability (or not). If you are not sure if you will be able to make the Virgin festival or not, then dont let that put you off - I view this primarily as a fun team challenge, where the added prizes just happen to be Virgin Festival seats - we dont know where it is yet, or when it is, so I know people cannot commit to it - what we do know is that Virgin have always been fair and reasonable - so I dont expect any difficulties in sorting something out if you cannot make it. So top 24 available players it is then :drums :drums (everyone who wishes to be considered should vote, even if outside the top 24)

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Re: Team Challenge - with 6 Virgin Festival Seats added Cheers strider Just looked at the BPP table nd realised that I am actually on it!! (unless there is another GeordiGaz???) :) Thiink I've played 1 or 2 focus games... but I'm sitting in 80th at the mo so not very confident of playing for PL but you never know!! :hope

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Re: Team Challenge - with 6 Virgin Festival Seats added I may have a bridge match tuesday night - if so then at least 1 reserve needed ... should know sometime round 6ish tonight - sorry for the late notice I forgot this was on and cocked up my schedules [minutes later] just confirmed I have double booked and do have a bridge match - so can a reserve take my place please.

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Re: Team Challenge - with 6 Virgin Festival Seats added GaF, I'll also stand aside for this on the grounds that I have no money in Virgin, and were my team to win, I probably wouldn't be able to go to the next Festival anyway (with great thanks to my company who will probably make me redundant in the summer!!:moon). :ok

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Re: Team Challenge - with 6 Virgin Festival Seats added Nice one - that's all 4 teams finalised :ok Passwords on their way... Please reg sooner rather than later - there are only 20 spots on each table. (and 20 players to register)

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