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Abuse as a result of your username.


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Forgot to post this up during the week. In the Hendon Mob league game during the week got involved in an altercation with a guy who disliked my username GodDelusion. Now to most people this is a very inoffensive username, but to a God fearing Evangelist it must be the utmost of blasphemy. Anyway fcuk that guy and his omnipotent God:moon.

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Re: Abuse as a result of your username.

I love it if people get upset at me' date=' almost certain to beat them.[/quote'] Usually works wonders... I try being "Ultra-nice" and it does wind people up. I did someone with AK a few nights back - I had 2,2 . He/she piled on the abuse so I told them that i loved them and was sorry that I did that!! :lol:lol:lol Cue, more abuse mainly about "Muppets like me shouldnt be allowed to play poker". He then re-loaded and raised big while i had JJ. Just as I was about to move all-in, the player before called with AA and screwed him for my pot :lol:lol. I then told him that I was sorry that the other guy did that to him. Wound him right up!! Then I got him chat banned ;)
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Re: Abuse as a result of your username. I don't know what it is with me but i seem to be a great target of abuse in cash games :lol. For example on pkr the other day i was just minding my own business on a 6handed table when all of a sudden this guy just starts to abuse me for playing tight. Literally every single hand this guy gave a running commentary, usually going mental when people entered a pot with me, which didn't help my game. What i did was just ignore him and use the flirt emote whenever he spoke after a while he shut up :tongue2. Then on FTP the other day i beat someone in a big pot 6handed, they gave me uber odds on a draw and hit the nuts which got me a torrent of abuse from two players but i didn't say anything just to annoy them even more :lol. Another example is i was running over a 6handed table on FTP, playing great LAG and a conversation starts between 2 players about how great i'm running, why i'm getting cards and they're not and just generally annoyed by me. Not too many other people seem to get a lot it but i seem to attract 'attention' more than anything i'd say and i just take their money and sit there quietly :tongue2.

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Re: Abuse as a result of your username. There is nothing better than having someone give a running commentary on your game - it gives you a very strong table image that the other players have brought to their attention (as opposed to the usual mix of those who notice and those who dont) - you know very clearly what the other players think of you - it doesn't matter what that is, you can take advantage of that.....

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Re: Abuse as a result of your username.

I meant as a result of just your username not anything else' date=' GodDelusion seems a pretty inoffensive username does it not?[/quote'] Calm down dear, just be grateful you get replies to your threads.
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Re: Abuse as a result of your username.

Calm down dear' date=' just be grateful you get replies to your threads.[/quote'] Might have something to do with being a pretty low probability of SteveO writing a bad beat thread (though I'm sure he receives as many bad beats as we all do ;) ):moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :tongue2 As I started reading letter of the month in this months Inside Poker, I did skip to the end to see if it was from "Nade of Sheffield". ;)
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