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€250+€25 Virgin WSOP Seat added for PL


€250+€25 Virgin WSOP Seat added for PL  

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Thanks to Virgin for this offer - same as last month :ok The top PL'r not to win a Virgin WSOP Final Seat (worth €250+€25) in Tuesdays Virgin WSOP Sat (Buy In €25+€2.50) will be bought in to this tournament by Virgin. If you wish to be considered for this PL WSOP Sat Seat, please vote in this poll. Please note that by voting in this poll to play for the PL seat, you exclude yourself from playing for the seat offered by any other forums. (and Vice Versia - express on another forum that you are playing for their seat, and you are not eligble to play for the PL seat). This poll will be closed shortly after the start of the event - there will be no exceptions - if you havent shown your participation in this by the start time, you will not be playing for the PL seat. Same rules as last month - if you win cash and qualify for this seat, then the cash will be removed from your account and given to the next highest PL finisher. Good luck all :ok PS There's a sat tonight as well - 20:30 BST start and noone registered yet - 1 seat guaranteed - worth keeping an eye on ;)

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Re: €250+€25 Virgin WSOP Seat added for PL

Same rules as last month
That also means that we would like you to play if you win the added seat, and not to cash it in for tournament credits/cash - if you cannot make the final on Wednesday night, please do not play for the added seat.....
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Re: €250+€25 Virgin WSOP Seat added for PL Hi I am winning this so far with 7 left. I think I am the highest pl player, have I qualified for wed already or do I still need to win this? not sure on the rules, ta:ok

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Re: €250+€25 Virgin WSOP Seat added for PL

out but gave all my chips to pene;) ak v tt flop of KT? and it went all in gl guys
I gave pene all my chips too.:loon We both flopped trip 7's, had her outkicked till she hit full house on river.:sad Good luck pen and make sure you make them chips count.:ok
Sorry guys - I have been extreeeeeemely lucky so far :loon Just took another one out and am just short of 10 K :cheers
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Re: €250+€25 Virgin WSOP Seat added for PL

Fonzie just qualified :clap:clap:clap:clap I finished 7th - but last non-qualifying PL'er = seat :nana Fonzie - I owe you plenty of :beerWD :clap
No probs Pene, I'll hold you to that beer. ;) :gimme:gimme:gimme
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