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Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April


Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April  

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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April Voted available but looks like i may not make the start time so if 5 players can make it from the start count me out Gaf (Otherwise i will be joining the army of sit-outs for 20 or 30 mins) Cheers

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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April lol - I've been knocking out all the players that are there ;) now the "tournament has been frozen because there are too few players connected. The tournament will resume as soon as possible" 15 players left, 3 there, 12 sit outs!!! Lesson from that for the future, don't knock out players who turn up :wall :wall :wall :wall

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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April Table closed now, and cannot open it - looks like it's been cancelled :unsure I was chip leader at the time, surely not to be penalised for knocking other players out :unsure

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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April On ours - 1 table had 9 sitouts, ours 5 .... - finally made final table in 6th place - still 4 sitouts left - avon girl was a sitout on other table (sam too) turned up late (only 600 chips left) and recovered well - at mo just hanging in till sitouts go

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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April Have spoken to Pokerroom live help and they basically say that it's nothing to do with them and from their end it's still active and that this is entirely down to eSport :unsure Cannot get in contact with esport - all 3 contacts seem to be offline.....

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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April

Have spoken to Pokerroom live help and they basically say that it's nothing to do with them and from their end it's still active and that this is entirely down to eSport :unsure Cannot get in contact with esport - all 3 contacts seem to be offline.....
Definitely seems to me that it needs an executive decision by the organisers. At some point (midnight?) then IMHO they need to set the results in concrete and give you first place - otherwise its a mockery. I'd take a screen shot of both tables if I was you!!!
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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April

58 points without gafs tourney wouldnt suprise me if they just make that game void :cry:unsure:cry
If they do then they are creating a strategu whereby someone could deliberately sit-out as a way of stymying an opposing team - most unfair - Gaf knocked out the "real" players (presumably including CVG) - to penalise him under these circumstances is wrong and I'm sure the "active" teams would agree :@
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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April Its a hard one think F-Tip was in second and he could argue that if given the opportunity he may of taken first spot. Can see your point of view. What would happen if a PL league game froze. I think we would all say that it becomes void :unsure worrying still is as the league enters the final run in whos to say more players will drop out knowing the chance of the bigger prizes are impossible to achieve.And we end up with 5 frozen tables:puke All we can do is wait and see - :hope

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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April I'd be most upset with a void game - I'd knocked 3 players out tonight and there's no way they should get the same points (none) as me.... As Phil says - it's now possible to get a game deliberately suspended by sitting out - so you cannot penalise those who are there.......

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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April I'd be most upset with a void game - I'd knocked 3 players out tonight and there's no way they should get the same points (none) as me.... I do agree with both your points of view - hope this is the case :hope As Phil says - it's now possible to get a game deliberately suspended by sitting out - so you cannot penalise those who are there....... this part does worry me though as it could become regular :@:puke

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Re: Matchday 8 - Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Wednesday 2nd April

lol - I've been knocking out all the players that are there ;) now the "tournament has been frozen because there are too few players connected.
The bully gets his comeupance. :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2 I recommend the use of the Duckworth-Lewis method. ;)
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