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Unbelievable luck


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Now I havn't been playing poker for long, but I must be one of the unluckiest beginners ever. Today for example, I've played in two MTT's and a couple of sit 'n go's. First MTT, All in with AA against 99. Hit's a 9 on the flop and takes the pot and I'm out. Second MTT, KQ, come to the flop, 5c Qh 10c. BB raises 800, and I've got 1600 left so I push all in. He shows Q9. K on the turn and J on the river. Tbh I wasnt even that suprised as its been happening to me for ages. Now as a fairly new player its pretty hard for me to take, it's been happening in Sit n go's and its been happening in previous MTT's. Can anyone give me some advice on what I can do? Cheers.

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Re: Unbelievable luck I'm afraid you'll have to get used to it Sloppy - "that's poker" - it happens to everyone. Do you want to post the hand histories so we can see if you were just "unlucky" or if you did make an error .... a lot of beginners will say "All In with AA" when they slow played it and gave free cards for their opponent to hit, or they may have been playing too tight and so had no fold equity, or something else - so it's always worth posting a hand history. AA is not unbeatable. It doesn't have a divine right to win every hand... The reality though? You'll face bad beats every night - it happens to everyone - you need to play for positive expectation and you will win over time - the results of individual hands are effectively almost random. AA v 99 is only an 80% to 20% favourite - the Aces will get cracked 1 time in 5. Risk your tourney 5 times with AAv99, JJvAT, 88 v 77, KKvQQ and KK v A2 - you're a pretty big favourite in all 5 hands individually, but collectively you have a pretty small chance of wining them all....

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Re: Unbelievable luck Sorry Sloppy, i took this mantle a long time ago : http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49577&highlight=unluckiest ;) My advice is enjoy 'bad beats' as in the long run it's these same people who make you the money anyway. Have to remind myself of this everyday or i'd still be filling these pages with that stuff :tongue2

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Re: Unbelievable luck Cheers guys, I'm playing on Sky poker atm and I dont think they have a hand history option. Think I'm gonna try and play some more free rolls to fine tune my game a bit more. It is so fustrating though, especially when I keep getting bad beat after bad beat at the beginning of my poker career. I'll just have to stick at it and hope things improve :ok

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Re: Unbelievable luck If your new to poker sloppyj sky is probably not the best option imo.A good idea would be to play some of the pl games also subscribe to the poker magazines and read a couple of books on it.If you go to your acc on sky you will find the hands you went out on in there.

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Re: Unbelievable luck Yeh I agree Sky probably isnt the best idea, I just found it very easy to use so never looked elsewhere. I can get hand history but its not very detailed. This is the hand I went out on. My Cards: ♣K ♠Q Community Cards

♥10 ♦Q ♠7 ♥K ♦9
Blinds were 100/200, I had 1585 in chips left. I call 200 pre-flop, dealer folds, SB calls, BB checks. Flop comes down, Im first to bet, I checked thinking I had best hand, SB raises 400, BB raises to 800 and I go all in. SB calls it and BB folds (which I didnt get?) SB shows QJ, I've got QK. King comes down on the turn and I'm thinking I've got it in the bag and then boom along comes the 9. The time before that, I had ♣J ♦Q, I was BB which I think was about 50/100, and I had around 1520 chips left. Flop comes down ♥3 ♣7 ♠J, one other guy in the round with me and he goes all in. I put him on a low pair say 5's or 6's. With blinds increasing fast I thought my odds must be pretty good with that hand, so I called (Thinking about it now, I probably shouldnt have.) Turn, River, come down ♣A ♦5 and im out. Sit 'n go previous to this I had ♣A ♦K starting hand. Flop comes ♣7 ♠6 ♥K , I raised 4x BB, other guy goes all in, I dont really have a choice but to call. He shows AA and turn, river come down ♦9 ♥3. I've had various other before this which are pretty similar or worse. I know I'm doing a few things wrong but in most situations I dont really have a choice. :\
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Re: Unbelievable luck I think with the AA you werent really THAT unlucky. Its one of those coin flip situations that sometimes goes your way and sometimes doesn't. you were what? 60/40? in front at the start. The second situation was pretty sick, but then again it happens. What pisses me off is when you get some like AJ. Hit both on the flop. Get all your chips in and someone catches the last card for the Straight to the Ace on the river. ARGH!

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Re: Unbelievable luck

I think with the AA you werent really THAT unlucky.
I know mate but its when you get one after another and they just keep hitting you on the river that it makes you wanna cry. If I was winning some losing some then I'd be able to take the beats alot easier, trouble is, I'm not winning any!
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Re: Unbelievable luck

I know mate but its when you get one after another and they just keep hitting you on the river that it makes you wanna cry. If I was winning some losing some then I'd be able to take the beats alot easier' date=' trouble is, I'm not winning any![/quote'] Are you sure you're not winning any? I don't mean touneys, I mean hands. We all tend to remember the "bad beats" and "how unlucky am I" bits, but we have a tendancy to forget all the times that we are the ones who catch a lucky river to make a straight/two pair etc. Just stick with it mate; as the guys have said, read a couple of books or mags and within a while it will all come together. As many wise people have said "we need the bad players to get lucky now and then, otherwise they wouldn't play and that is where the money comes from". Good luck :ok
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Re: Unbelievable luck

Are you sure you're not winning any? I don't mean touneys, I mean hands. We all tend to remember the "bad beats" and "how unlucky am I" bits, but we have a tendancy to forget all the times that we are the ones who catch a lucky river to make a straight/two pair etc. Good luck :ok
I've often asked myself that, and try and remember when I do get a lucky hand so that the unlucky ones dont feel so bad. But they're just not happening atm. Anyone suggest a few good books / articles?
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Re: Unbelievable luck

Cheers guys, I'm playing on Sky poker atm
That probably explains it all, they have poorly structured tournies that lends itself to that type of play, it should be called Sky Bingo really. Try different networks and sites and you may feel a difference.
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Re: Unbelievable luck

Anyone suggest a few good books / articles?
For MTT play you can't go far wrong with the Harrington on Hold 'em series. Books 1 & 2 are a must, book 3 when you can afford it. There are plenty of others, some cheaper, but I personaly think you get what you pay for. As for mags, Inside Poker and Poker Player are both good, with interesting articles and tips etc (and a few passwords each month for some decent tourneys ;)). Once again there are others, but I've not read them, so can't comment. You could also read through the many threads on the forum for a few gems of info. All the best.
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Re: Unbelievable luck

Yeh I agree Sky probably isnt the best idea, I just found it very easy to use so never looked elsewhere. I can get hand history but its not very detailed. This is the hand I went out on. My Cards: ♣K ♠Q Community Cards
♥10 ♦Q ♠7 ♥K ♦9
Blinds were 100/200, I had 1585 in chips left. I call 200 pre-flop, dealer folds, SB calls, BB checks. Flop comes down, Im first to bet, I checked thinking I had best hand, SB raises 400, BB raises to 800 and I go all in. SB calls it and BB folds (which I didnt get?) SB shows QJ, I've got QK. King comes down on the turn and I'm thinking I've got it in the bag and then boom along comes the 9. Shouldnt be calling with any thing at that stage of tourney, (push or fold)unless you want to try slowplaying aces. The time before that, I had ♣J ♦Q, I was BB which I think was about 50/100, and I had around 1520 chips left. Flop comes down ♥3 ♣7 ♠J, one other guy in the round with me and he goes all in. I put him on a low pair say 5's or 6's. With blinds increasing fast I thought my odds must be pretty good with that hand, so I called (Thinking about it now, I probably shouldnt have.) Turn, River, come down ♣A ♦5 and im out. Assuming you were first to act in the bb you should have bet 200/300 to see what he did. And folded to the reraise or won the pot to his fold Sit 'n go previous to this I had ♣A ♦K starting hand. Flop comes ♣7 ♠6 ♥K , I raised 4x BB, other guy goes all in, I dont really have a choice but to call. He shows AA and turn, river come down ♦9 ♥3. Thats just bad luck but you were always miles behind.
Carry on giving your opponents the chance of free or cheap cards and you will have more bad beats than you should, but possibly as many as you deserve. Dont waste the money on Harrington, most of it is quoted on here once a week.
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