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Qualified for Decent Sized MTT, Need Some Tips


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Tonight I achieved my first MTT semi-success! The top 10 finishers got entered into the 50 Seat Frenzy at PartyPoker, and I went out in 10th spot :drums It was amazingly jammy how I ended up there - I hit backdoor A-5 straights twice, won with Ace high with two other callers in the pot, but it was balanced out by people getting trips on the river to constantly deny my top pair and two pair from coming home, including to knock me out where I did. It is not a very high value tournament (buy in $15), but what would be some fundamentals of playing to ensure I have a good shot at the money? Are there any good poker books I can review in the couple of days until it starts? Basically I have been playing supertight for these, only really advancing the betting if I have improved because people go all in at the drop of a hat. If I knew that most players weren't maniacs I would open the betting with connectors etc but in the crappy loose play you can basically only play PP and two hi cards. I am expecting the play to be of a higher standard (freeroll quality vs entry fee quality) but have not much idea what to expect. Any tips/advice are most welcome! If I finish in the money I'll buy ya a beer :beer

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Re: Qualified for Decent Sized MTT, Need Some Tips Well done on your success :clap :clap :clap Changing your game when playing a big one is not the right time to do it. I would suggest you stick with what worked for you :ok Tight is a pretty good way to play if you are a little uneasy at the level :) One piece of advice I would give - try and play big pots when you have big hands and try and play small pots when you have small hands. What that really means is don't be afraid to bet (and pretty big - 4 or 5 times BB if pre flop/pot sized if post flop) when you have the goods. If everyone else folds, so be it, but give yourself a chance to get paid off. If you find yourself with less than about 10xBB, then your only options should be to go all in (preferably not calling all in) or fold - dont allow yourself to call.

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