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Pokerroom $7700 "compensation" freeroll


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Re: Pokerroom $7700 "compensation" freeroll well yes, we expect quite a lot of players, as there were several leagues which suffered from the server breakdown on this wednesday. You can simply calculate: minimum 100 players/league (20 teams, 5 players min each). ;) Cheers and Have Fun tonight! Jo

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Re: Pokerroom $7700 "compensation" freeroll Well - if it gets 770 entrants, it's still worth $10 per player - which is pretty decent for a freeorll :ok I would presume(hope) that eSport/Pokerroom will check that prizewinners are in the eSport league and take action against them if they are not (and not eligible)

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Re: Pokerroom $7700 "compensation" freeroll Well... as I see it we have been given an opportunity to play in this freeroll and each been given the chance to get our hands on the $ 7725. We were given this instead of 1 leg of a billion in a series of freerolls, where the prizemoney are far far away... We were never promised this would be exclusive to us. Originally we would never have received an invite to this tourney - so I say: Play if you fancy a chance to win this money - or don't play if you can't bother with all the people in it. I really don't think we have the right to moan about it - nor do I think we should!! I am playing - and to all those who are - see you at the tables, and gl :ok

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Re: Pokerroom $7700 "compensation" freeroll Sometimes I think we just moan for the sake of it. This is the bonuses of all bonuses, it was something that was never in the deal. Perhaps it could have been better organised, but this type of freeroll will always be leaked to an extent. Take it for what it is, something you never had or expected.

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Re: Pokerroom $7700 "compensation" freeroll Should expect numbers to be fairly high ... in our league alone there's at least 100 active players (more if if you count sitouts :eek) ... add in the other leagues (38 teams in one of them?) and it mounts up. Pauls right, we probably do moan too much (moi included :spank) especially as ePoker and Pokerroom have come up with such a great promotion. :nana:nana:nana Mind you, us brits are such a cynical sarcastic lot, we moan about everything :rollin.

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Re: Pokerroom $7700 "compensation" freeroll

Hiya, I am a legit league member (Gameradar) and also haven't received my email from the league (and I've checked the spam). Can someone please pm the password. Thanks
Afraid it started at 7:30.... (30 mins before your post)
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Re: Pokerroom $7700 "compensation" freeroll I've just found out it started at 7.30. Fell asleep when I got home so hadn't had chance to reg. :( On the point of password, I got 2 emails, one was clearly sent to me as a team manager and told me to ensure all my team had the password, which is why I posted in our team thread and passed it on to TQM. Didn't other managers get this. :unsure

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